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HRR-2b-i'=�34 08 32 DEL-TECH GEOTECHNICHL 208 247 7714 p 02 <br /> S <br /> DIEL- TECH E' CH Geotechnical Support Services <br /> i <br /> April 25, 1994 <br /> r+ <br /> Bill Hunter <br /> Hunter & Associates <br /> 2220 Loma Vista Drive <br /> Sacramento, CA 95925 <br /> RE: SOIL GAS VAPOR SURVEY STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES <br /> Mr Hunter, <br /> This operating procedure is in regards to the soil gas vapor Survey Del-Tech performed at the <br /> San(,hez site, located at 1876 Country Club Drive, Stcu kton, CA <br /> The steps taken to complete the sail gas survey were such <br /> A) Measure and locate the sample paint. <br /> B) It the area is encapsulated, drill through the cement or asphalt to gain access to the <br /> underlying base with a cement drill bit 15" in diameter This task is f ompleted with a <br /> electric Bosch rotary hammer <br /> C) The advancement of a soil gas vapor probe is then (.ornpleted by driving the 518" <br /> diameter, 6' long probe into the undisturbed soil with 4 foot st unless, steel extensions <br /> The driving force used to advance the probes is the rotary hammer using special adapters <br /> that allow the hammer to connect to the extension rods without destroying them dunng <br /> the driving process These exwnSioxnti are hollow sections of tubing that house a teflon <br /> 3116" diameter piece of flexible tubing One cnd of the flexible tubing is connected to <br /> the soil probe and the tither and is connected to a vacuum Source to accomplish the <br /> sampling <br /> D) Once the sampling probe is advanced Lo the paint were a measurement is desired, the <br /> extension rads are then pulled back upward a sufficient distance to open up the Sampling <br /> chamber of the soil gas probe, located on the end of the rods in thi% event that sampling <br /> point averaged 15 veruc,al feet Then the end of the tubing at the surface is cotlnec,tCd <br /> 10624 Olive Avenue, Oakdale, CA 95361 (209) 847-8757 6 Fax (209) 847-7744 <br /> -- -------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------------- <br />