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15 September 1999 <br /> AGE-NTC Project No. 97-0369 <br /> Page 2 of 9 <br /> ranging as high as 0.07 mg/kg. Analytical results of soil samples collected during the tank removals <br /> are summarized in Table 1. <br /> 2.3. PREVIOUS SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION <br /> On 20 and 21 October 1997, five soil borings (P-1 through P-5) were advanced at the site to assess <br /> the lateral and vertical extent of impacted soil and ground water. A total of 9 soil samples and five <br /> grab around water samples were collected during the investigation and submitted for Iaboratory <br /> analysis. TPH-g and TPH-d were detected in soil samples collected fi-om probe boring P-1 at <br /> concentrations ranging as high as 220 mg/kg. BTEX compounds were detected in soil samples <br /> collected from P-1 at concentrations ranging as high as 2.1 mg/kg: fuel oxygenated compounds were <br /> not detected by laboratory analysis of the selected soil samples. <br /> TPH-g and TPH-d were detected in a grab ground water sample collected from 13-1 at concentrations <br /> of 10.000 micrograms per liter (ugil) and 660 µg/1, respectively; MTBE was detected in a ground <br /> water sample collected from P-4 at a concentration of 0.61 ,ug/1. No other fuel oxygenated <br /> compounds were detected by laboratory analysis of ground Nvater samples. <br /> Results of the October 1997 investigation were reported in the PrelinliMil''V 1171,esligutio17 rn7d <br /> Evaluation Report (PIER) dated 16 December 1997 prepared by AGE. Analytical results of soil and <br /> grab ground Nyater samples collected during the October 1997 investigation are summarized in <br /> Tables 2 and 3. <br /> 2.4. REGIONAL GEOLOGIC SETTING <br /> The property is situated within the Great Valley Geomorphic Province of California.. a large. <br /> elongate, northwest trending, asymmetric structural trougin. The Great Valley Province has been <br /> filled with thick sequences of sediment ranging in age from.Jurassic to Recent, creating a nearly flat- <br /> Iying alluvial plain, extending from the Tehachapi Mountains in the south to the Klamath Mountains <br /> in the north. The western and eastern boundaries of this province are comprised of the California <br /> Coast Range and the Sierra Nevada, respectively. Rocks composing the basement complex of the <br /> province have not been completely defined but are believed to be metannorphic and igneous in <br /> origin. The northern and southern portions of the Great Valley Province have been designated the <br /> Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys, respectively. <br /> Based on the General Soil Map from the San Joaquin County Soil Survey, published by the United <br /> States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service in 1992, the site area is within the <br /> Jackson-Hallenbeck-Stockton (JHS) association. The JHS soils are located w-ithin basins. and <br /> 4rhvurrnd GcoEn�ironmcnlal,Inc. <br />