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V <br /> 15 September 1999 <br /> AGE-NC Project No. 97-0369 <br /> Page 3 of 9 <br /> generally consist of moderate to poorly drained fine textured soils. The soils are generally derived <br /> from both marine and non-marine sediment, and are generally formed in alluvium derived from <br /> mixed rock sources. <br /> The Modesto, Riverbank, Turlock Lake Formations and overlying recent alluvium are the principal <br /> source of domestic ground water in the 13.500 square-mile San Joaquin Valley Ground Water Basin <br /> (Basin 5-22). This basin is drained primarily by the San Joaquin River. The nearest surface water <br /> feature in the vicinity of the property is the Stockton Deep Water Channel located approximately 500 <br /> feet west of the site. <br /> 2.5. GROUND WATER DEPTH AND GRADIENT <br /> Based on review of the Lines of Equal Depth to Groundivater Fall 1997 map published by the San <br /> Joaquin County Flood Control District and Water Conservation District(FCD&WCD).the estimated <br /> �. depth to ground water at the site is between 5 and 10 feet below surface grade (bsg). Review of the <br /> map Lines of Equal Elevation of Groundi,,ater Fall 1997(FCD&WCD) depicts the regional ground <br /> water flow direction towards the northeast. <br /> Based on data collected during the October 1997 investigation, depth to ground water was measured <br /> at approximately 8 feet bsg in soil borings P-1 through P-5. <br /> 3.0. SCOPE OF WORK <br /> Based on the results of the previous investigations and UST removal activities, ground water and <br /> _ soil at the site has been impacted. The lateral and vertical extent of impacted soil and ground water <br /> must be determined prior to the initiation of remediation. The assessment activities will consist of <br /> the following tasks: <br /> • Permitting and pre-field work activities; <br /> • Drilling and soil sample collection; <br /> • Monitoring well installation and development; <br /> • Ground water sample collection <br /> • Receptor survey; <br /> • Preparation of a report of findings. <br /> Advanced GcoEncironmental.Inc. <br />