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Kennedy,Jenks Consultants <br /> The hydraulic push-drive system (GeoprobeTI or equivalent)will be advanced using 2- or <br /> 3-inch outer diameter (OD) steel rods where the lead rod is fitted with a new acetate liner. The <br /> soil core is collected in the acetate liner as the rods are advanced in 4-foot or 5-foot increments. <br /> The steel rods remain in place as the acetate liners are removed, so that the borehole is <br /> continuously cased as it is advanced. <br /> The desired sample interval is cut from the acetate liner when it is retrieved. Discrete soil <br /> samples will be collected from each boring at a depth of 5 feet bgs, 10 feet bgs and 15 feet bgs. <br /> The soil sample interval will be sealed with Teflon TM tape, capped, labeled, and placed in a <br /> cooler chilled to 4 degrees Celsius pending delivery to the laboratory. Samples will be delivered <br /> to the laboratory using chain-of-custody procedures. <br /> If the coarse-grained subsurface is too dense to allow advancement of a hydraulic push-drive <br /> sampling system, the drilling system will be changed to hollow-stem augers and samples will be <br /> collected using a split-spoon drive sampler. The sampler will be fitted with metal liners and <br /> driven to the desired sampling interval, whereupon the sampler is removed and the appropriate <br /> metal liner is capped and sealed as described above for submittal to the laboratory. <br /> Soil borings will be sealed with neat cement or hydrated bentonite chips in accordance with <br /> SJCEHD requirements. Drilling residuals (soil cuttings and decontamination rinsate water) will <br /> be placed in sealed containers, pending characterization and coordination for offsite disposal. <br /> The containers will be properly labeled and placed in a secure location designated by BNSF. <br /> Following acceptance, the drilling residuals will be transported to an appropriately permitted <br /> offsite disposal facility. <br /> Re-usable sampling equipment will be decontaminated between locations either by <br /> steam-cleaning, or washing using non-phosphate soap, a potable water rinse, and a final <br /> distilled water rinse. <br /> Borings will be logged in general accordance with the Kennedy/Jenks SOG included in <br /> Appendix C under the supervision of a California Professional Geologist or Professional <br /> Engineer. The boring logs will include soil descriptions using the Unified Soil Classification <br /> System (USCS), labeled depths, record of penetrations and recoveries, visual indicators such <br /> as staining and discoloration, olfactory indications of chemical impact, estimation of proportions <br /> of grain sizes, grading, and moisture content. <br /> 3.2.3 Laboratory Analysis <br /> Soil samples will be analyzed for TPHd by EPA Method 8015M with silica gel preparation by <br /> EPA Method 3630C. The sample holding time is the length of time that a sample or sample <br /> extract can be expected to remain representative of environmental conditions. The holding time <br /> for TPHd is 14 days. Table 1 provides a summary of the sample collection and analysis. <br /> 3.2.4 Laboratory Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) <br /> Laboratory QC consists of a laboratory and a matrix component. The laboratory component <br /> measures the performance of the laboratory analytical process during sample analyses, while <br /> the matrix component measures the effects of a specific medium on the method performance. <br /> Corrective actions for instrument calibrations or QC sample data that are out of compliance are <br /> Page 4 Soil Investigation Work Plan, <br /> BNSF Mormon Yard, Stockton, California <br /> g;Ysgm,pl3tlmNlJob1191 f 385010.OOynYNBreparlslmiHnresl-xvrXy�lb#Ea <br />