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Geosyntec ll� <br /> consultants <br /> hand auger for utility clearance. Borings for GSB-1 through GSB-3 below 5 feet below <br /> ground surface (bgs) were advanced using a direct push dual-tube sampling system to a <br /> total depth of 25 feet bgs. The boring for GSB-4 was completed using a hand auger to a <br /> depth of 8 feet bgs. <br /> Borings GSB-1 through GSB-4 were continuously cored and logged for lithology by a <br /> Geosyntec field geologist under the direction of a California Professional Geologist. <br /> Boring logs documenting subsurface conditions are provided in Appendix A. <br /> Soil samples were collected within fill material from 5 to 8 feet in GSB-1, 2 to 3 feet <br /> bgs in GSB-2, 2 to 3 feet bgs and 7 to 8.5 feet bgs in GSB-3, and 4 to 4.5 feet bgs in <br /> GSB-4. Samples were collected directly from the soil core or hand auger cuttings and <br /> transferred to laboratory-supplied glass jars. Samples were labeled with project <br /> identification, sample location, analytical parameters, and time and date of sampling. <br /> Samples were stored in an ice-cooled chest and maintained at approximately 4 degrees <br /> Celsius (°C) for transport under standard chain-of-custody procedures to TestAmerica <br /> Laboratories, Inc. (TestAmerica) located in Pleasanton, California. <br /> Soil samples were analyzed for the following constituents: <br /> • Organochlorine pesticides by United States Environmental Protection Agency <br /> (USEPA)Method 8081A; and <br /> • Organochlorine herbicides by USEPA Method 8151. <br /> Dual-tube sampling equipment, including inner core barrel and cutting shoe, was <br /> decontaminated between sampling at each boring GSB-1 through GSB-3. The hand <br /> auger was decontaminated between borings and prior to sample collection. All <br /> sampling equipment was decontaminated with phosphate-free detergent and deionized <br /> water. <br /> 3.1.2 Groundwater Sampling <br /> After soil sample collection, groundwater samples were collected from borings GSB-1 <br /> through GSB-3. The borings were advanced to total depths of 25 feet bgs and a <br /> temporary monitoring well constructed of 3/4-inch, schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride <br /> (PVC) casing was installed. The temporary monitoring well had a 10-foot long <br /> screened interval from 15 to 25 feet bgs. The depth to water was measured and <br /> • Phase II ESA 1351 Dupont_FINAL 12302013 4 1/2/14 <br />