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Geosynte& <br /> consultants <br /> groundwater parameters including pH, specific conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and <br /> oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) were monitored prior to groundwater sample <br /> collection. Static depth to groundwater in the borings ranged from 19.5 feet bgs to 21.2 <br /> feet bgs. Groundwater samples were collected from the temporary wells using a <br /> peristaltic pump with disposable polyethylene tubing and transferred directly into <br /> laboratory-supplied sample containers. Sample containers were labeled with project <br /> identification, sample location, analytical parameters, time and date of sampling, and <br /> any preservative added to the sample. Samples were stored in an ice-cooled chest and <br /> maintained at approximately 4°C for transport under standard chain-of-custody <br /> procedures to TestAmerica. <br /> Groundwater samples were analyzed for the following constituents: <br /> • Dissolved metals including arsenic, barium, calcium, iron, magnesium, <br /> manganese,potassium, and sodium by USEPA Method 6410B; <br /> • Anions including nitrate as N, nitrite as N, sulfate, and chloride, by USEPA <br /> Method 300.0; <br /> • Bicarbonate by USEPA Method SM 2320B; <br /> • Ammonia by Method SM 4500; and <br /> • TDS by Method SM2540C. <br /> Groundwater samples collected for dissolved metals analysis were filtered in the field <br /> with a 40 micron filter. <br /> One blind duplicate sample was collected from boring GSB-3 and analyzed for the <br /> constituents above. The duplicate sample was placed into the sampling containers at the <br /> same time and location of the primary sample using the same method of sample <br /> collection as the primary sample. One field equipment rinsate blank sample was <br /> collected by passing deionized water over the decontaminated cutting shoe and <br /> collecting rinsate into a sample container. The rinsate blank was analyzed for the <br /> groundwater sample constituents above. <br /> 3.1.3 Investigative Derived Waste <br /> Soil cuttings were contained in 55-gallon drums and stored on-site pending receipt of <br /> analytical results. Based on the soil analytical results described below, no impacts to <br /> soil were identified and soil will be redistributed in the unpaved portion of the Site. <br /> Phase II ESA_1351 Dupont—FINAL—]2302013 5 1/2/14 <br />