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C3enCvgrcaC?eckn�es Inc Page 6 <br /> Soil Groundwater Investigation Report <br /> George s Service <br /> Project No 425 2 <br /> August 5 1997 <br /> In summary, elevated levels of BTEX and TPH-Gas continued to be present in MW-1 and <br /> MW-2 MTBE was detected and confirmed in MW-I MW-3 was again non-detect for all <br /> analytes MW-4, MW-5 and MW-102 showed elevated levels of BTEX and TPH-Gas The <br /> highest levels of TPH-Gas detected during this monitoring was in MW-102 MW-6, MW-7, <br /> MW-8 and the three domestic wells were non-detect for all analytes <br /> 3.2 Site Hydrology <br /> On May 9, 1997 the top of casings were surveyed into a common elevation The elevation of <br /> MW-2, determined during a previous surveying event, was used as the benchmark elevation <br /> A site specific groundwater gradient and bearing was calculated from the depth to water <br /> measurements taken during the groundwater monitoring The gradient was 0 0024 ft/ft <br /> flowing N20°W The average elevation of groundwater under the site was 91 33 feet above <br /> mean sea level Monitoring well 3, 4 and S were used to determine gradient They were <br /> chosen because they reflect the gradient over the largest area of the site and surrounding <br /> properties <br /> The groundwater elevation for MW-5 was considerably higher then the rest of the wells, 0 63 <br /> feet higher then the average groundwater elevation at the site There are several possible <br /> explanations for this <br /> 1 Incorrect surveying of top of casing elevation <br /> 2 Incorrect depth to water measurement <br /> 3 Local recharge in the area of the well <br /> Before the next monitoring event the top of casing will be resurveyed to eliminate the <br /> possibility that was the problem <br /> Table 3 in Appendix A is a summary of water level elevations, gradient slopes and bearings <br /> Figure 4 is a groundwater gradient map for the site <br /> 3.3 Geology aodl YiOd Obseirvattions <br /> The following section discusses the subjective field observations and geology documented <br /> during this investigation based on the interpretations of the field geologist <br /> o The shallow geology of the site is predominately silt, sandy silt and silty sand Soil <br /> samples from the shallow wells were non-detect for all analytes However, during the <br /> drilling of MW-4 and MW-5 both staining and odor were noted in the shallow samples. <br /> five and ten foot respectively The five foot sample from MW-4 did not contain enough <br /> material in the spoon for analysis The five and ten foot samples from MW-5 also did not <br /> contain enough material for analysis <br /> 0 A sandy clay to very plastic clay layer was encountered in MW-102 from 37 5 to 42 feet <br /> below ground surface <br /> 0 A clayey sandy gravel layer was encountered in MW-102 at 45 feet below ground <br />' surface This layer also had the highest levels of Toluene, Ethyl Benzene, Total Xylenes <br /> and TPH-Gas This is also the layer in which MW-102 is screened Water samples from <br /> this well showed the highest concentrations of TPH-Gas and high concentrations of <br /> BTEX compounds <br /> i <br /> 1 <br />