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r ` <br /> . have the caps replaced loosely after each measurement, so that they are open to the surface <br /> atmosphere This action will enhance the monitoring wells stabilization prior to measuring the <br /> depth to water within the casing The wells will be sounded for depth to water to establish <br /> groundwater gradient and total depth to calculate the standing water r,olumn A three to five well <br /> volume purge will be completed The purging activities will be completed with a Grundfos <br /> submersible pump, centrifugal pump or ISCO peristaltic pump and the pH, Temperature, <br /> Conductivity and Visual Turbidity will be monitored with calibrated field instruments to establish <br /> that the well is producing representative water during it's recharge for a accurate sampling event <br /> Next, the well will be sampled with a clean teflon or stainless steel bailer Prior to sampling, <br /> a bailer blank sample will be collected by pouring distilled water into the bailer and collecting <br /> one V O A for Quality Control measures Then two V O A 's will be collected for fi om the well <br /> with this same bailer by lowering the bailer slowly into the well Upon retrieving the bailer the <br /> sample of water will be decanted into the V O A 's smoothly and with particular attention as to <br /> not agitate or oxygenate the sample in any manner <br /> All samples will be labeled and entered into a sample Cham-of-Custody immediately upon <br /> collection The samples will be placed into a ice chest with ice or blue ice to maintain a level <br /> of 4 degrees celsius while in transit to the laboratory Samples submitted to the laboratory under <br /> the (COC) will be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbon products (in the gasoline range) by <br /> modified EPA Method 8015, minimum detection limit 1 mg/kg and Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl <br /> Benzene, Total Xylene EPA Method 8020, minimum detection limit 3 ug/kg <br /> All development and purge water will be contained on site in D O T 17 drums for containment <br /> and determination of proper disposal <br /> Surveying of the new monitoring wells will be completed by a licensed surveyor, to the top <br /> notched northern edge of the well casing, relative to a arbitrary datum point <br /> It will be the goal of this soil boring and monitoring well routine to fully define the extent of the <br /> soil & water contamination It is also our intent to determine the geology of the area where the <br /> borings are placed to further define the most appropriate means of remediating the contamination <br /> from these zones <br /> 6 <br />