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All of the borings will be grouted with neat cement and finished off to grade <br /> The installation of the 2" diameter monitoring wells will be completed by a truck mounted <br /> hollow stem drilling ng The outside diameter of the hollow stem is 8 0 inches The soil <br /> sampling interval for this task and the laboratory analysis will be the same as in the hand borings <br /> stated above The overall depth of the proposed monitoring wells will be approximately 25 feet <br /> Ten feet of Schedule 40 P V C blank followed by fifteen feet of a Schedule 40 P V C screening <br /> interval will complete the monitoring well The screening interval will be of 01" slot size and <br /> will be placed so that 5 feet of screen will be above the water and 10 feet below the static water <br /> level The well screen packing material will be of Monterey Sand #2 for the entire screening <br /> interval and two feet above Then a bentonite/cement seal will be tremied up the annulus of the <br /> boring to the surface A waterproof chesty box will be installed to protect and seal the access <br /> to the well along with a locking watertight well cap <br /> Development of the wells will be completed within 48 hours of the installation of the well to <br /> remove the fines and sediments during installation and establish a efficient conduit for monitoring <br /> the aquifer Upon completion of the development tasks the well will be sounded for depth to <br /> water and a three to five well volume purge will be completed The purging activities will be <br /> completed with a Grundfos submersible or ISCO peristaltic pump and the pH, Temperature, <br /> Conductivity and turbidity will be monitored to establish that the well is producing representative <br /> water during it's recharge for a accurate sampling event Next, the well will be sampled with <br /> a clean stainless steel bailer and two V O A 's will be collected for laboratory analysis (TPH-Gas <br /> / BTXE ) <br /> All development and purge water will be contained on site in D O T 17 drums for containment <br /> and determination of proper disposal <br /> Surveying of the new monitoring wells will be completed to the top notched edge of the well <br /> casing, relative to a arbritary datum point <br /> It will be the goal of this soil boring and monitoring well routine to fully define the extent of the <br /> soil & water contamination It is also our intent to determine the geology of the area where the <br /> borings are placed to further define the most appropriate means of remediating the contamination <br /> from these zones <br /> 5 <br />