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SHP53 Stockton Cleanup Journal <br /> 143 North E Street <br /> 02-24-86 Tank C-14 north and south failed the Petro-Tite tank test. <br /> 10-20-86 Triangle removed C-14 north and south and WO-4. <br /> 12-01-86 Kleinfelder proposed to ATS to install 4 soil borings and one monitor well for preliminary <br /> assessment of the horizontal and vertical extent of soil contamination. The MW is to <br /> provide information regarding depth to ground water and possibility of ground water <br /> contamination. <br /> 12-09-86 Kleinfelder installed and sampled 5 soil borings (B 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Borings went to a depth <br /> of 35'. Tests revealed significant TPH contamination. <br /> 12-17-86 Kleinfelder didn't install proposed MW because significant levels of volatile hydrocarbons <br /> were found. <br /> 12-29-86 Sample soil borings B 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. <br /> 01-16-87 Kleinfelder installed eleven more soil borings (B 6 thru B 16). <br /> 01-17-87 Kleinfelder converted three borings (B 10, 12, 13) to monitoring wells (MW 1, 2, 3) <br /> respectively. <br /> 09-08-87 LBME notified CRWQCB of intent to excavate contaminated soil starting 9-15-87. <br /> 09-09-87 LBME installed two monitoring wells (MW 4, 5). Work completed on 9-15-87. <br /> 09-15-87 Excavation of contaminated soil started. <br /> 09-18-87 Excavation of contaminated soil completed. Resulting pit was 47' x 25' x 38' deep. <br /> 09-21-87 Sample soil on walls of excavation pit. <br /> 09-31-87 MW 1 & 2 were destroyed by excavation of pit. <br /> 09-25-87 LBME sampled MW 3, 4, 5. <br /> 10-31-87 Baylor's spent 18 hours this month discing soil for aeration. <br /> 11-25-87 LBME sampled MW 3, 5. <br /> 11-30-87 Baylor's spent 22.5 hours this month discing soil for aeration. <br /> 12-20-87 Located wells affecting ground water gradient. Del Monte, 2000'to the north east has a <br /> 170 hp pump. California Canners and Growers, 3000' to the south west has a 375 hp <br /> pump. These wells are only used during the canning season. <br /> 04-14-88 Baylor's spent 30 hours this last month discing soil for aeration. <br /> 05-19-88 Elder Engineering submitted a tank removal plan for C-12 to San Joaquin Health Dept. <br />. 06-03-88 LBME sent ATS soil test results for soil excavated on 9-18-87. Soil was remediated and <br /> tested clean at 43 ppm on 5-17-88. <br />