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Ms. Mary Meays <br /> December 20, 1995 (9347-3011) <br /> Background <br /> The following brief discussion of the site background is based, in part, on information from <br /> reports prepared by others: <br /> Underground Storage Tanks(USTs): <br /> One used oil UST and four 4,000-gallon steel gasoline USTs were installed at the site in 1955. <br /> In 1963, one 4,000-gallon UST was removed and two 7,500-gallon gasoline USTs were installed at <br /> the site. The five remaining gasoline USTs were removed in 1981 (RESNA, 1991x) and the used oil <br /> UST was removed in 1991 (SJCPHS/EHD, 1993). <br /> Soil Borings: <br /> Soil gas samples were collected from 15 sampling points during a soil gas survey performed at <br /> the site in May 1990. Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in the soil gas samples collected in or <br /> near the former gasoline UST cluster(Meinfelder, 1990). <br /> A total of 1 offsite and 20 onsite soil borings were drilled and sampled at the site between <br /> September. 1990 and November 1991. The highest concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons as <br /> gasoline (TPH-G) were detected at 5,100 and 14,000 parts per million (ppm) in the soil samples <br /> collected from borings SB-3 and MW-2, respectively. Benzene was detected at up to 0.9 ppm in the <br /> soil sample collected from boring SB-3. The bulk of the adsorbed-phase petroleum hydrocarbon mass <br /> in the subsurface soil was detected in the soil samples collected from the borings in the immediate <br /> vicinity of the former UST cluster. The subsurface soils beneath the former UST cluster and eastern <br /> dispenser island are penetrated by vapor extraction wells connected to the VES (RESNA, 1992a). <br /> Nude additional borings were drilled and sampled at the site in September 1992 after the VES <br /> had operated continuously for approximately 6 months. TPH-G was detected at up to 4,600 ppm only <br /> in soil samples collected from borings CBS and CB9. Benzene was not detected above reported <br /> laboratory detection limits in any of the samples collected and analyzed from the nine additional <br /> borings. TPH-G and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) were not detected <br /> above reported laboratory detection limits in the soil samples collected from boring CBI which was <br /> drilled approximately 7 feet northwest of well MW-2 (RESNA, 1992a). TPH-G was detected at up to <br /> 14,000 ppm in the soil samples collected from boring MW-2 in September 1990. Results of this <br /> preliminary investigation indicated that the confirmation boring event was premature, but the VES was <br /> effective in reducing the volume of petroleum hydrocarbons in the subsurface soil during the limited <br /> duration of VES operation. Soil sampling results are summarized in Table 1. <br /> t� <br /> 9347301 LBRP -2- <br />