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The annular space between the well screen was filled with clean #3 Monterey <br /> Sand as a filter pack. The sand filter pack extends 3 feet above the top of the <br /> well screen. Three (3) feet of bentonite chips were placed above the sand as an <br /> annular seal. The remainder of the annular space was filled with quick-setting <br /> bentonite cement grout. The top of the casing was provided with a locking cap <br /> with a rubber gasket and enclosed inside an aluminum vault with a traffic-rated <br /> steel cover. The area around the vault was paved with cement. <br /> The monitoring well constructions are shown in the Monitoring Well Construction <br /> Diagrams (Appendix VII). <br /> 4.4 Monitoring Well Development <br /> The monitoring wells were developed on October 6, 1995, 40 hours after <br /> installation, by surging, swabbing and bailing to remove the clays and silts on the <br /> face of the aquifer opposite the well screen. Well development is conducted in <br /> order to establish hydraulic communication between the aquifer and the well. <br /> ' Sufficient volume of water, using a purge factor of 4 times the volume of water <br /> contained within the well casing, was bailed from each well. Conductivity, pH <br /> and temperature readings of bailed water were monitored during well <br /> development to determine if these parameters stabilized to within 10 per cent <br /> deviation from average readings. <br /> i The purged development waters were placed in 55-gallon DOT-approved steel <br /> drums and stored onsite in a locked storage bin pending disposal. <br /> ' 4.5 Groundwater Sampling Procedures <br /> Water samples were obtained from each well two (2) hours after purging to allow <br /> fine sediments to settle. A dedicated disposable plastic bailer was used to collect <br /> the water samples. Water in the bailer was released from the bottom into 40 <br /> milliliter glass VOA vials and 1 liter amber glass containers provided with caps <br /> lined with Teflon septa. The sample containers were filled to overflowing to <br /> eliminate head space which might allow volatile organics to come out of solution. <br /> The glass vials and liter bottles were labeled, double-bagged in plastic bags, <br /> placed on ice in a portable cooler and entered into a Chain of Custody form. The <br /> samples were delivered the next day in a chilled condition to Centrum Analytical <br /> ' Laboratories in Redlands, California for analysis. <br /> 4.6 Monitoring Well Survey <br /> ' The existing monitoring well MW 1 and the newly installed monitoring wells <br /> MW2 and MW3 were surveyed on October 5, 1995 by Mr. Tom Morrow of <br /> ' Morrow Surveying, Sacramento, California. The wells were surveyed to <br /> establish their spatial relationships and their elevations. The well survey map is <br /> CRC Environmental Risk Management,Inc. Project#2100-250-2 <br /> American Savings Bank 222 North EI Dorado Street <br /> November 3, 1995 Stockton,California <br /> 7 <br />