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Report-Soil and Groundwater Investigation <br /> Gateway Project,City of Stockton <br /> April 10,2000 <br /> �+ Page-5- <br /> bgs, significantly sandier soil (sandy clay and clayey sand) was present between those depth ranges. The <br /> La soil samples collected from GP2 between approximately 14 and 20 feet bgs appeared to be generally <br /> more sandy and wet than the soil in GP 1 between those depths. PID measurements of 7 and 5 ppm total <br /> organic vapors and moderate petroleum hydrocarbon odors were recorded for the field observation soil <br /> samples collected from GP2 at approximately 15.5 and 19.5 feet bgs, respectively. Petroleum <br /> Lo hydrocarbon odors were not noted and volatile organic vapors were not detected with the PID at or above <br /> the instrument detection Iimit of one ppm total organic vapors in the field observation soil samples <br /> collected from GP2 at approximately 11.5 and 29.5 feet bgs. <br /> Native soil appeared to be encountered in GP3 between approximately 3 and 4 feet bgs. Stiff, dense, <br /> clay, sandy clay and clayey sand were generally encountered from 4 feet bgs down to the total depth of <br /> the boring at approximately 28 feet bgs. The boring met refusal at approximately 28 feet bgs upon <br /> encountering very hard, dry clay. Similar to GPI and GP2, field observations generally indicated that <br /> although a very stiff clay was encountered in GP3 at approximately 8 and 24 feet bgs, significantly <br /> sandier soil (sandy clay and clayey sand) was present between those depths. A PID measurement of 5 <br /> ppm total organic vapors and a slight petroleum hydrocarbon odor were recorded for the field <br /> Lo <br /> observation soil sample collected from. GP3 at approximately 27.5 feet bgs. Petroleum hydrocarbon <br /> odors were not noted and volatile organic vapors were not detected with the PID at or above the <br /> LW instrument detection limit (one ppm total organic vapors) in the field observation soil samples collected <br /> ' from GP3 at approximately 7.5, 11.5, 15.5, 19.5 and 23.5 feet bgs. <br /> LN <br /> ' Native soil appeared to be encountered in GP4 at approximately 4 feet bgs. Clay and sandy clay were <br /> LM encountered down to the total depth of the boring at approximately 32 feet bgs. Similar to GPI through <br /> GP3, field observations generally indicated that although stiff clay was encountered in GP4 between <br /> L' approximately 8 to 12 feet bgs and again from 28 to 32 feet bgs, sandy clay was generally present <br /> between those depth ranges. PID measurement of 3, 0.6, 1.8, and 1.0 ppm total organic vapors were <br /> L' recorded for the field observation soil samples collected from GP4 at approximately 19.5, 23.5, 27.5 and <br /> 31.5 feet bgs. It should be noted that PID readings that are just above the instrument detection limit of I <br /> L' ppm total organic vapors may not be representative of actual petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in <br /> 0 <br /> Lo <br /> Lo CONDOR <br />