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1 <br /> GRIN <br /> • 2.2,7 Monitoring Well Location <br /> 1 <br /> Orion will install the groundwater monitoring well at the location shown on Figure 2 to <br />' delineate the hydrocarbon plume This location may be modified depending on actual <br /> site conditions and access considerations Figure 3 shows the well construction details for <br />' well MW-4 and Figure 4 shows the small diameter well components Further information <br /> on the pre-packed well system can be located at either www Geolnsight com or <br />' www Vironex com <br />' 2.2.2 Drilling and Soil Sampling Procedures <br />' The monitoring well will be installed using a Geoprobe Direct Push Rig The well will be <br /> installed by Vironex, Inc , of San Leandro, California, using a limited access direct-push <br /> technology This technology advances a 2 0-inch-diameter rod casing while <br /> simultaneously coring the hole As the rod is being pushed hydraulically, a dual-walled <br /> sampling system is advanced which collects a continuous core Once the desired depth is <br /> attained, a new 3/4-inch-diameter flush-threaded Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) <br /> well casing is installed down the center of the rods and locked into an expendable <br /> anchor Samples will be collected at 5 feet below ground surface and at approximately 5- <br /> foot intervals thereafter <br /> Immediately after the sampler is retrieved from the Geoprobe, it will be placed on a <br /> portable field stand near the boring and the tubes will be removed The ends of the <br /> second or third tube will be covered with Teflon sheeting, capped with PVC end caps, <br /> and placed in a sealable plastic bag The sealed tubes will be placed In a portable ice <br /> chest and cooled with ice until delivery to a State-certified laboratory <br /> Sample labels will be used to identify the soil-filled tubes The label information will <br /> include project number, project name, monitoring well number, sample number, sample <br /> depth, date, time, and name of the person preparing the samples <br /> A portion of the soil from one of the remaining tubes will be extruded and placed in a <br /> Ssealable plastic bag, which will then be closed and allowed to equilibrate for <br /> S\BFS\STOCKTON\WKP003 DOC 03/22/01 2-2 <br />