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QR11N <br /> 2.2.1 Monitoring Well Locations <br /> Orion will drill and install three groundwater monitoring wells at the locations shown on <br /> Figure 2 These locations may be modified depending on actual site conditions and <br /> access considerations Figure 3 shows the well construction details for the wells <br /> 2.2.2 Drilling and Soil Sampling Procedures <br /> drilled with 8- to 10-inch-diameter hollow-stem <br /> Borings for the monitoring wells will bed , <br /> Icontinuous-flight augers Soil samples will be collected with a split-barrel sampler <br /> containing three brass tubes, each 2 inches in diameter and b inches in length The <br /> sampler will be driven to the sampling depth by dropping a 140-pound hammer <br /> approximately 30 inches Samples will be collected at 5 feet below ground surface and at <br />' 5-foot intervals thereafter to 40 feet or termination as appropriate <br /> • Immediately after the sampler is retrieved from the auger, it will be placed on a portable <br /> field stand near the boring, and the brass tubes will be removed The ends of the second <br /> or third tube will be covered with Teflon sheeting or aluminum foil, capped with <br /> polyvinyl chloride (PVC) end caps, and placed in a sealable plastic bag The sealed tubes <br /> will then be placed in a portable ice chest and cooled with ice <br /> oil-filled brass tubes The label information <br /> Sample labels will be used to identify the s <br /> will include project number, project name, monitoring well number, sample number, <br /> sample depth, date, time, and name of the person preparing the samples <br /> A portion of the soil from one of the remaining tubes will be extruded and placed in a <br /> sealable plastic bag, which will then be closed and allowed to equilibrate for <br /> approximately 10 minutes The organic vapor levels in the headspace will be measured <br /> using a field PID The same sample will be visually examined and the results of the visual <br /> observation and headspace reading will be recorded on the well installation logs Sample <br /> boring and well installation logs are provided in Appendix B <br /> S\BFS\STOCKTON\WKP001 DOC 10/27/99 2-2 <br />