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RI IN <br /> • SOIE samples will be collected primarily for soil logging purposes Three soil samples will <br /> be analyzed at a State-certified analytical laboratory following the analytical program <br /> described in Section 3 1 Soil analyses will be conducted to characterize the cuttings <br /> 2.2.3 Monitoring Well Installation Procedures <br /> The three monitoring wells will be installed to a depth of approximately 35-40 feet below <br /> r grade, with a screened interval of 15 feet (Figure 3) The actual well depths and screen <br /> 1 placements will be adjusted as required by the field conditions encountered <br /> The wells will be constructed using new 2-inch-diameter flush-threaded Schedule 40 <br /> polyvinyl chloride (PVC) casings The screened interval will be constructed from 0 010- <br /> inch slotted PVC pipe The annular space around the screened interval of the well will be <br /> filled with a #3 Lonestar sand filter pack to about 2 feet above the top of the screen <br /> An approximately 3-foot-thick layer of bentonite will be placed above the filter pack to <br /> provide an annular seal The well will be surged before placing the annular seal to allow <br /> for filter pack settlement After placement, the seal will be hydrated with potable water <br /> The remainder of the annulus to near ground surface (approximately 1 foot) will be filled <br /> with bentonite slurry A locking cap and traffic-rated cover will be installed at the surface <br /> A drawing showing the as-built well construction will be included on the well installation <br /> log <br /> Each well will be developed for approximately 1 hour after well installation by surging <br /> and bailing to remove fines from the filter pack and well screen Development will be <br /> considered complete when approximately 5 casing volumes have been removed <br /> Appendix B contains a sample well development log <br /> The elevation and location of the new wells will be surveyed after installation Locations <br /> Iwill be measured to the nearest 1/10 foot and elevations to the nearest 1/100 foot relative <br /> to mean sea level An Orion California-registered civil engineer will supervise or direct <br />' the well construction and installation <br /> 5\BF5\STOCKTON\WKP001 DOC 10/27/99 2-3 <br />