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I ro <br /> Y <br />' 05 March 2002 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 98-0426 <br />' Page-3 of 6 <br /> bentonite chips were poured into the annulus and allowed to settle on the filter pack Five gallons <br />' of tap water were used to hydrate the bentonite chips for one-half hour prior to grouting The <br /> remaining annular space was sealed with portland type LII neat cement mixed with no more than 6 <br /> gallons of water per 94-pound sack of cement The grout was placed by pumping through the center <br />' of the auger while the augers were incrementally raised The as-built monitoring well diagram is <br /> presented in Figure 3 <br /> I <br /> 2 14 Equipment Decontamination <br />' All hollow stem augers were steam-cleaned prior to advancement in each boring, tools and brass <br /> sleeves used were thoroughly washed in a solution of Alconox and rinsed with clean tap water prior <br />' to each sampling rein <br />' 2 2 ADVANCEMENT OF SOIL PROBE BORINGS - PHASE Id <br /> On 01 to 03 October 2001,AGE advanced three soil probe borings at the site using a van-mounted <br />�. Geoprobe 5400 direct-push probing unit equipped with 1 25-inch probing rods The Geoprobe <br /> advances soil probe bonngs using a hydraulic hammer to drive soil and ground water sampling tools <br /> to specified depths I I <br /> Allrobe borings.were advanced to a total depth of 60 feet bsg Probe boring P-7 was advanced in <br /> P g <br /> the area of the former USTs, boring P-8 was advanced approximately 20 feet south of P-7 and the <br /> UST area and boring P-9, was advanced approximately 60 feet northeast of the former UST area <br /> (Figure 2) <br /> 2 2 1 Soil and Grab Ground Water Sample Collection <br /> tDiscrete soil samples were collected using the Geoprobe push-driven 2-inch diameter soil sampler <br /> fitted with four six-inch long brass sleeves at 5-foot intervals, beginning at 5 feet bsg in all soil <br /> borings Soil samples were preserved by covering both ends of the second brass sleeve with Teflon <br /> sheets, capping and sealing with tape Each preserved sample sleeve was labeled with soil boring <br /> location,depth,time,date and sampler's initials and was stored in a chilled container under ice Soil <br /> encountered in the borings was visually classified by an AGE geologist in accordance with the <br /> Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) Additionally, soil samples were field-screened for the <br /> presence of volatile organic compounds using an organic vapor meter(OVM) Selected soil samples <br />' were logged on a chain-of-custody, transported to a State of California Department of Health <br /> • Services (DHS)-certified laboratory and analyzed,for <br /> 1 Advanced GeoEnvironmental,Inc <br /> I i <br />