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' 05 March 2002 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 98-0426 <br /> Page 2 of 6 <br /> 140-pound weight from a height of 30 inches The number of blows required to drive each 6-1nch <br />' interval (blow counts) was recorded on boring logs by an AGE staff geologist <br /> Soil samples were preserved by covering both ends of the second brass sleeve with Teflon sheets, <br />' capping and sealing with tape Each preserved sample sleeve was labeled with soil boring location, <br /> depth,time, date and sampler's initials and was stored In a chilled container under ice Selected soil <br />' samples were logged on a chain-of-custody form, transported to a State of California Department <br /> of Health Services (DHS)-certified laboratory, and were analyzed for <br />' Total petroleum hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline (TPH-g) in accordance with EPA <br /> Methods 5030/8015-modified, <br /> • Benzene,toluene,ethylbenzene and xylenes(BTEX)and methyl tertiary-butyl ether(MTBE) } <br />' in accordance with EPA Method 8020, and <br /> • Fuel oxygenates - MTBE, di-Isopropyl ether (DIPE), ethyl tertiary-butyl ether (ETBE), <br /> a tertiary-amyl methyl ether (TAME), and tertiary butanol (TBA) In accordance with EPA <br /> Method 8260 Modified <br />�� - <br /> 212 Logging <br />' During soil-boring activities, sample duplicates were monitored for the presence of organic vapor <br /> (OV) using an organic vapor meter equipped with a photo-Ionization detector (PID Thermo <br /> Environmental 580A, 10 0 eV,calibrated to isobutylene)and were visually described on boring logs <br />' In accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) Boring logs are Included In <br /> Appendix A <br />' 2 13 Monitoring Well Installation <br /> The two soil borings were completed as ground water monitoring wells utilizing 2-inch diameter, <br /> schedule 40,blank polyvinyl chloride(PVC)casing and 2-inch diameter screened PVC casing with <br /> 0 020-Inch screen slots <br />' Each well was completed by placing the PVC well casing assembly throughthe hollow stem of the <br /> N augers to the total depth of the boring The augers were incrementally raised as #3 Lonestar sand - <br />' (filter pack)was slowly poured down the annulus between the well casing and the inner wall of the <br /> hollow stem auger The filter pack was placed adjacent to the screened casing from the bottom of <br />' the boring to a point approximately two feet above the top of the screen Following placement of the <br /> filter pack, a surge block was inserted Into the PVC casing and was lowered and raised (surged) <br /> repeatedly for approximately 10 minutes The depth to the top of the filter pack was measured and <br />' Advanced GeoEnvironmental,Inc <br />