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DETAILS OF WORK PERFORMED UNDER WORKPLAN DATED JULY 17, 1990 <br /> On October 49 1990, Spectrum Exploration moved onto location and <br /> rigged up over Bore Hole #1, (refer to Plate VI.) Properly prepared <br /> brass tubes with end caps and plastic were delivered to the site by <br /> an FGL Environmental employee, and was received under proper <br /> chain-of-custody by W. J. Hunter, Registered Geologist in charge; <br /> (refer to Exhibit B for details., ) Boring commenced at approximately <br /> 9: 15AM using 3 1/4" ID 6" flights. Soil samples were taken <br /> utilizing clean 2" diameter brass tubes placed in an 18" split-spoon <br /> sampler which was driven into the soil beneath the current auger <br /> depth. The brass tubes were briefly described, sealed, labeled, and <br /> placed on ice by Mr. Hunter. The split-spoon sampler and associated <br /> equipment was thoroughly cleaned using TSP prior to each use. <br /> Cuttings were examined and stored adjacent to the rig as necessary. <br /> Samples were taken at the following depths, as proposeu in the <br /> Workplan - 1 ' , 5' , 10' , 15' , 20' , 25' , 30' , 35', Ax 40' , the total <br /> depth of bore Hole #I. There was no odor detected in the drilling <br /> returns or core samples, and no free product was noted in water. <br /> Upon completion of operations, the rig was mewed to bare hole #2, <br /> ' which had been proposed to be drilled in the bottom of the <br /> excavation; (refer to Workplan for details. ) However, because of the <br /> weight of the rig and the potential for caving, the rig was moved <br /> about 9 feet east: of the edge of the pit. The same procedure was <br /> followed as in borehole #1, and samples were taken at the same <br /> depths. Again, no odor was detected or free product observed. The <br /> drilling rig wa.5 moved to location #3, and the same procedure was <br /> followed as in #1 & #2. No,odor or free product was noted. <br /> Activities were suspended for the day; the boreholes were properly <br /> grouted from the bottom to the surface under the direction of the <br /> EHD. representative. The preserved samples were transferred under <br /> chain of custody to field personel from FGL Environmental for <br /> transport to-the lab for analysis. The remaining unused brass tubes <br /> were stored an ice in a locked room on site, for use the following <br /> day. <br /> The rig arrived on location on October 5, 1990 at 8:30 AM. After <br /> discussion with the geologist--in-charge, it was decided to drill <br /> borehole #5 ahead of #4. The rig was moved into the open field to <br /> the west of the property, and positioned as shown an Plate VI. The <br /> same procedure as used in the other borings was follower!, with cores <br /> taken at 5' intervals from S' to 40'. No core was taken at the 1 ' <br /> depth; the location was in an empty field which had been farmed in <br /> prior years, and sample results would not have been relevant. <br /> The rig was then moved back on the property, and borehole #4 was <br /> drilled and sampled using the same procedure as the other hobs, <br /> 2 <br />