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Work Plan Addendum <br /> April 1997 <br /> 3147 S. El Dorado Street, Stockton, California <br /> 1.0. INTRODUCTION <br /> In accordance xvith the request of the San Joaquin County Public Health Services - Environmental <br /> Health Division (PHS-EHD),Ach-arced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (AGE) has prepared this 'Work Plan <br /> Addendum for the collection of soil samples at 3147 S. E1 Dorado Street in Stockton; California (the <br /> site). The scope of work includes the advancement of two angled and three vertical soil probe borings <br /> I n the underground stora,e tank (US"1.), dispenser and piping areas and collection and analysis of soil <br /> samples The location of the site is illustrated in Figure i - Lr,ccm',-m ,lfcrp. A plan of the site is <br /> illustrated or) Figure 2 - .Sile Mcm. <br /> This Work Plan Addendum is prepared in accordance with PHS-EI-TD and Central Valley Regional <br /> Water Quality Control Board (CVRIAIQCB) guidelines for the investigation of UST sites. <br /> 2.0, BACKGROUND <br /> 2.1. SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION <br /> The site is located in a flat, commercial area of south Stockton, California, approximately 200 feet <br /> south of the intersection of El Dorado Street and Ivy Avenue, The site is operated as a fueling facility. <br /> One 10,000-gallon diesel UST and two 10,000-gallon gasoline USTs are located at the site. <br /> 2.2. REGIONAL. GEOLOGIC SETTING <br /> The site is located in the eastern portion of the Great Valley geomorphic province of California. The <br /> vallev is a nearly rlat, elongate truugn lrcridlng, northwest and southeast 1'k)-I 8pproxii-nateiy 450 miles. <br /> The valley is enclosed by the granule SIeITa Nevada on the east and the sedimentary and ineta norphlc <br /> Coast Ranges on the west. The surticial and upper several hundred feet of subsurface lavers consist <br /> primarily of unconsolidated alluvial and floodplain deposits (predominantly sand, silt, and clay) of <br /> Quaternary age, which were derived from the mountains of t.lte Sierra Nevada. Beneath the upper <br /> sedimentary deposits lie a thick sequence of marine deposits of Mesozoic age, which in turn are <br /> underlain by a pre-Jurassic complex of igneous and metamorphic basement rock. <br /> 2.3. GROUND WATER DEPTH AND FLOW DIRECTION <br /> The estimated depth to ground water at the site is approximately 40 feet below surface grade (bsg) <br /> based on information from Litres of Equal Depth of Writer Wells Fall 199-5, published by the San <br />