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I8 February 1997 <br /> AGE-NC Project No, 97-0301 <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br /> Joaquin County Flood Control District and Water Conservation District. The prevailing ground water <br /> flow direction in eastern Stock-ton is generally toward the northeast, although flow directions may <br /> be both locally and seasonably variable. The uppermost ground water flows in an unconfined aquifer. <br /> With increasing depth, the aquifer becomes semi-confined, due to the presence of mixed <br /> heterogeneous layers of sediments. <br /> 3.0. SCOPE OF WORK <br /> 3.1 . MULLING AND SAMPLING <br /> AGE proposes to advance three angled soil probe borings to depths of approximately 20 feet bs�w and <br /> two shallow vertical probe borings to depths of approximately 10 feet bsg. Sol] probe borings will <br /> be advanced using a Geoprobe 5400 soil probing unit equipped with 1.125-inch diameter probe rods <br /> and an attached 2.15-inch diameter soil sampler. The soil sampler will be loaded with clean 1.125-inch <br /> by 6-inch brass sleeves. Probe borings will be advanced near the UST, piping and dispenser areas. <br /> Proposed probe boring locations are illustrated on Figure 2. <br /> One angled soil probe boring vJ11 be advanced beneath each UST at an angle of approximately 30° <br /> from vertical. One shallow vertical soil probe boring will be advanced near each dispenser island area. <br /> A description of angles and distances used for calculating sample depths beneath the UST area is <br /> depicted in Figure 3 -Prol)osed Angled Soil Probe Borings. <br /> Soi] samples will be collected from each soil probe boring at fifteen and twenty feet bsg. If petroleum <br /> hydrocarbon-inapacted soil is encountered during probing activities, probe borin�.�s will be advanced <br /> to greater depths in an attempt to determine the vertical extent impacted soil. <br /> 3.2. EQUIP vIENT DECO;\T Ai INAT10N <br /> All probintic, rods, sampling tools and sample liners used for sample collection will be thoroughly <br /> rinsed with clean water after washing with a solution of Alconox. <br /> 3.3, LABORATORY ANALYSIS <br /> Selected soil samples will be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons quantified as gasoline and <br /> diesel (TPH-g and TPH-d), volatile aromatics (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes: BTE&X), <br /> and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in accordance with EPA methods 8015m and 80201602. <br /> Laboratory reports and sample chain-of-custody documentation will be presented in a report with the <br /> findings and recommendations. <br />