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18 February 1997 <br /> AGE-NC Project No. 97-0301 <br /> Page 3 of 3 <br /> 4.0. PROCEDURES <br /> 4.1. SOIL PROBING INSTALLATION AND S AMPUNG <br /> The following procedures xvill be performed for the installation of probe borings: <br /> I. Notify the PHS-EIAD at least 48 hours prior to commencement of any work. <br /> 2. Advance a minimum of five (5) soil probe borings at the site. Each probe boring will be <br /> advaI?ced to a r'.epth of ap .;rox:matel - 20 fe-e using a G opr obe probing unit <br /> equipped with 1.125-inch diameter rods. Proposed probe boring locations are depicted on <br /> Figure 2. <br /> 3. Decontaminate sampling equipment in an Alcon.ox solution and rinse with water prior to each <br /> sampling run. <br /> 4. Obtain soil samples at 15„feet and 20-feet bsg. Samples will be collected using a Geoprobe <br /> soil samplings assembly pre-loaded with four 1.125-inch by 6-inch brass sleeves. <br /> 5. Preserve soil samples in the second brass sleeve by covering both ends v ith Teflon sheets, <br /> capping, and sealing with tape. Each sample will be labeled with the following: site location, <br /> sample identification depth, time and date. <br /> b. Document samples on a chain-of-custody form. <br /> 7. Store samples in a chilled container and transport to a State-certified laboratory for analysis. <br /> Selected soil samples will be analyzed for TPH-g, TPH-d, BTE&X and MTBE in accordance <br /> wvith EPA methods 8015ni and 8020, respectively. <br /> 8. M011it0r soil sample duplicates for the presence of volatile organics using a photo-ionization <br /> detector (PID) pre-calibrated to isobutylene. <br /> 9. Log soil sample duplicates in accordance with the unified Soil Classification System, <br /> 10. Backfill each probe boring to surface grade using Portland type II cement. <br /> 4.2. REPORTING PREPARATION <br /> Upon completion of probe borings, sampling and laboratory analysis, a report will be prepared <br /> summarizing results of the work performed. The report will include recommendations for additional <br /> investigation or remediation, if necessary. The report will be in a format acceptable to the PHS-EHD <br /> and CVRNVQCB and will be reviewed and signed by a California Registered Geologist. <br />