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tBank of Stockton Cutter Lumber Site Page 6 <br /> Spring Quarter Groundwater Monitoring Report <br />' Project No 102 2 <br /> July 13, 1998 <br />' 3.0 DISCUSSION <br /> 3.1 Discussion of Data <br /> Field and analytical data results are summarized in Tables 1 and 2 and <br />' illustrated in Figures 3, 4 & 5 <br /> The maps (figures 3,4 & 5) of groundwater gradient suggest that the flow of <br />' groundwater is to the east by northeast During two of the depth to water <br /> measurement events the measurable groundwater level in MW-8A was less than <br /> that measured in the shallow groundwater monitoring well This suggests that <br />' the deep well may be semi-confined, since the head in the deep well has not <br /> equilibrated with that of the shallow Alternatively, the deeper well which is <br /> completed opposite a permeable sand layer, may simply be responding more <br />' quickly to water recharge from an off-site recharge area The most recent <br /> measurement showing nearly identical depth to water in MW-8A and MW-813 <br />' would tend to support this interpretation <br /> The gasoline contaminant plume in the groundwater appears to trend to the <br /> I northeast which is consistent with what is known of the historical gradient in <br /> this area (see Figures 5 & 6) Mathematical calculation of gradient and bearing <br /> of flow based on MW-6, MW-10 and MW-11 for the months of April, May and <br />' June indicate gradient slopes between 0 0008 and 0 0021 ft/ft with a consistent <br /> flow direction ranging between N590E and N710E The slope of the groundwater <br /> gradient has increased steadily over the past three months along with the <br />' groundwater elevation <br /> The analytical results from water samples of MW-10 and MW-11 contain low, <br />' but detectable levels of petroleum hydrocarbons suggesting the extreme down- <br /> gradient limits of the groundwater plume have not yet been established but this <br /> limit is near to those particular wells The monitoring well MW-6 lies about 30 <br /> feet south of the point of release and it clearly shows that the up-gradient limit <br /> of the contaminant plume has not yet been defined <br /> The samples collected from the shallow groundwater monitoring wells in the <br /> vicinity of the plume still have relatively high levels of gasoline range <br /> contaminants There has, however been a decrease in the overall TPH and <br /> volatile organic hydrocarbon concentration by 30-50% in wells MW-6, 7 & 813 <br /> Low, but detectable levels of gasoline range hydrocarbons and BTEX compounds <br /> were found in the water sample from the deep well, MW-8A This suggests that <br /> a vertical gradient may have transported gasoline range hydrocarbons to a depth <br /> 2937 Veneman Ave ,#B240 Geo-Phase Environmental Inc Phone (209) 569-0293 <br /> Modesto, CA 95356 Fax (209) 569-0293 <br />