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' Interim Emergency Remedial Action/Monitoring Well Installation Work Plan Page 3 <br /> Former Union Facility,-Cutter Lumber <br /> Project No 102 2 <br /> May 20, 1997 <br /> I <br />' 12 2 Proposed Scope of Work <br /> It is proposed in this Work Plan that <br />' • An emergency remedial excavation be completed with the intent of removing vadose <br /> zone hydrocarbon impacted soil interpreted to be a continuing mayor secondary source <br />' of hydrocarbon contamination of the groundwater, <br /> • A free product extraction well be constructed for the removal of liquid phase <br /> petroleum hydrocarbons floating on top of the groundwater surface beneath the tank <br />' pit, <br /> • Four additional borings be installed to be converted into 2 inch diameter groundwater <br /> monitoring wells, and <br />' • One year of quarterly groundwater monitoring be conducted including monthly <br /> measurements of groundwater depth Included in this on a semi-annual basis, will be <br /> the monitoring of the two remaining groundwater monitoring wells associated with <br />' the 1989 tank release on the southern end of the Property (Western Lift Site) <br /> Upon approval of this work plan by the LOP agency a detailed budget will be prepared <br />' and submitted to the State USTCFP for pre-approval of the expenditures Prior to <br /> commencement of field operations, a supplement to this Work Plan will be submitted to <br /> the LOP agency which will indicate the drilling and excavation contractors to be used <br /> along with more detailed excavation plans <br />' Note on Proposed Emergency Remedial Action <br /> Given the very clay-rich, and sand-poor nature of the soil, it seems very clear that vapor <br /> extraction or groundwater pump-and-treat would not be efficient or effective mechanisms <br />' to remediate the vadose zone secondary contamination in any reasonable length of time or <br /> at a reasonable cost Given the necessity of reducing the source as a first step in allowing <br /> bacterial degradation of the groundwater plume, the excavation and free product <br />' skimming were the only remedial options deemed feasible <br />' 2.0 INTERIM EMERGENCY REMEDIAL ACTION <br /> In order to remove the most significant part of the vadose zone source of groundwater <br />' gasoline contamination (i a gasoline impacted soil) it will be necessary to conduct a <br /> limited excavation in the immediate vicinity of the former gasoline tank We propose the <br /> following work to accomplish this goal <br /> 6I <br />' 2937 Veneman Ave, #6240 Geo-Phase Environmental Inc Phone (209) 569-0293 <br /> Modesto,CA 95356 Fax(209) 569-0295 <br /> I <br />