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' Interim Emergency Remedial Action/Monitoring Well Installation Work Plan Page 4 <br /> Former Union Facility,-Cutter Lumber <br /> Project No 102 2 <br /> May 20, 1997 <br />' 2.1 Proposed Soil Excavation <br /> Using an excavator operated by a properly licensed contractor, excavate vadose zone soil <br />' to remove petroleum impacted soil from the beneath the vicinity of the UST tank pit <br /> Soil which is estimated to contain 3,000 ppm, or more of gasoline range hydrocarbons <br />' will be removed to the approximate depth of the surface of groundwater or about 30 to 35 <br /> feet below grade A preliminary estimate of the area to be excavated is outlined in Figure <br /> 3 Aerially, the outline of the excavation roughly corresponds to the 20' depth vadose <br />' zone contour identified in Figure 2 This area is selected because it encompasses all of <br /> the soil samples collected which were found to contain more than about 3,000 ppm of <br /> TPH-G The estimate of soil to be removed was made based upon approximating the 10' <br />' and 20' contours as ellipses with the 10' contour having major and minor axes of 24' and <br /> 10' and the 20' contour having mayor and minor axes of 30' and 16' (See Figure 3) The <br /> volume of the contaminated soil was then calculated as follows <br /> Equation for area of ellipse; <br /> (area=nab), where a & b, are the mayor and minor axes for the ellipse <br />' Equation for volume between two stacked ellipses: <br /> (volume=1/2h[(na1b1)h+(na2b2A, where al and b1 are the major and minor axes for first <br /> ellipse, in this case the one approximating the 10' contour and a2 and b2 are the major and <br /> minor axes for the second ellipse, in this case approximating the 20' contour h being the <br /> 1 height between ellipses <br /> The total volume of the contaminated soil as suggested with this model would then be <br />' volume=112(10)[(n24*10)+(n30*16)]+1/2(15)[(ri30*]6)+(rt30*16)], where the first <br /> expression represents the estimated contaminated soil volume from 10' to 20' feet below <br />' grade and the second represents the estimated contaminated soil volume from 20' to 35' <br /> feet below ground surface Summing both halves of the equation equates to about 1260 <br /> cubic yards of contaminated material <br /> To calculate the volume of overburden that will need to be removed, the volume of the <br /> excavation (volume=1/2(35)[(n30*16)+(n30*16)]) was calculated and the volume of <br />' contaminated soil (1260 cubic yards) was subtracted from this volume This equates to <br /> about 690 yards of overburden material <br />' This estimate above is a simplification which assumes that the excavation can be <br /> completed without sloping or shoring It is likely that some sloping of the excavation will <br /> be required and that a bench be made for the excavator to access deeper soils within the <br /> excavation <br /> 1 2937 Veneman Ave, #13240 Geo-Please Environmental Inc Phone(209) 569-0293 <br /> Modesto, CA 95356 Fax (209) 569-0295 <br />