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ou ri <br /> • Report on Backfilling Excavation and Sod Treatment Cell Construction September 14, 1993 <br /> Manna Pro, 4004 South EI Dorado, Stockton, CA 2 <br /> detectable concentrations of BTEX, TPH-G, or TPH-D The laboratory reports and chain-of-custody <br /> record are presented in Attachment 2 Before backfilling, the rainwater was pumped from the <br /> excavation into an on-site drainage ditch on March 31, 1993, with the approval of SJCPHS <br /> Backfilling the Excavation <br /> According to the amended work plan, the bottom of the excavation was filled with approximately 2 <br /> feet of pea gravel and covered with geotextde fabric on March 31, 1993 On April 1, 2, and 5, 1993, <br /> the excavation was backfilled and compacted with 1400t-thick lifts using the fill material generated <br /> during the installation of new sewer transmission lines On April 5, 1993, that portion of the <br /> stockpiled soil on the western edge of the site with nondetectable concentrations of TPH or BTEX <br /> (stockpile samples SP1-1, SP1-2, SP1-3, SP2-1, SP2-2, SP4-2, SP4-3, and SP5-1) was used to <br /> complete the backfilling from approximately 5 feet below grade to surface grade A summary of the <br /> soil sample analytical results from the stockpiled sods is presented in Attachment 3, Table 1 The full <br /> results of the December 1992 sod sampling were reported in the December 15, 1992 and February 1, <br /> 1993 letters from Groundwater Technology to the SJCPHS Attachment 4 presents photographs <br /> taken during backfilling activities (Photographs 1 through 6) <br /> During backfilling, a Meld representative from Bay Area Geotechnical Group measured the percent <br /> compaction by testing the density of the backfilled material From approximately 4 to 10 feet below <br /> grade the backfill material was compacted to at least 90 percent From 4 feet to surface grade, the <br /> backfill material was compacted to at least 95 percent A copy of the field soil density report Is <br /> presented in Attachment 5 <br /> Soil Treatment Cell Construction <br /> The remaining stockpiled sod was moved to the north end of the site (Figure 2) into a 140-foot-by- <br /> 160-foot (outside diameter) sod treatment cell The treatment cell berm was constructed using <br /> stockpiled soil containing no greater than 21 parts per million (ppm) TPH-D (Sod piles SP3-1, SP4-1, <br /> and SP1-4) A 6-inch-thick layer of clean sand was spread over the surface of the treatment cell to <br /> protect the 20-millimeter polyethylene liner, which was installed on April 7, 1993 by McCoy Supply <br /> Co <br /> The remaining stockpiled sod (approximately 2,600 cubic yards) was moved into the treatment cell <br /> on April 8 and 9, 1993 The soil was placed in the cell from west to east, beginning with sod <br /> containing the lowest TPH-D concentrations and ending with soil containing the highest <br /> concentrations Attachment 4 presents photographs taken during treatment cell construction <br /> (Photographs 7 through 18) <br /> 281OR013 <br /> GROUNDWATER <br /> TECHNOLOGY, INC <br />