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' Work Plan Page 4 <br /> Former Manna Pro Site <br /> Project No 207 3 <br /> August 16, 1999 <br />' Since the GTI study was completed in 1996, groundwater levels have risen several feet <br /> This fact in conjunction with the known distribution of gasoline to depths in excess of 50 <br />' feet, mean that a substantial volume of the total contaminant plume lies below the <br /> groundwater surface Unfortunately, this deeper groundwater contamination is not likely <br /> to be efficiently mitigated by the methods proposed by GTI We suggest that vapor <br />' extraction can be an important part of a remedial action plan, but will not be useful in <br /> remediating hydrocarbon contamination situated more than a short distance beneath the <br /> groundwater surface Air sparging to introduce oxygen into the subsurface and mobilize <br />' contaminants may address the deep contamination plume Infected air will encourage the <br /> growth of aerobic bacteria and should also help to mobilize light hydrocarbons As these <br /> mobilized hydrocarbons move through and up the water column, down gradient vapor <br />' extraction wells may be used to extract the mobilized hydrocarbons One drawback of <br /> this remedial method is that the vapor extraction and the air sparging may both tend to <br /> generate a local rise in the level of groundwater Hydrocarbons may tend to migrate <br />' "down-hill" radially away from this localized groundwater "mound" We suggest that an <br /> effective way to capture and destroy fugitive hydrocarbons would be to contain the plume <br /> with a passive oxygen barrier This barrier could be constructed by placing magnesium <br />' dioxide in soil borings around the groundwater plume This material is available under <br /> the trade name, Oxygen Releasing Compound (ORC) By encouraging bacterial attack of <br /> the hydrocarbons, this material can retard the horizontal migration of the plume due to <br /> remedial activities while simultaneously degrading the down gradient end of the plume <br /> 1.3.2 Scope of Work <br /> The tasks described in this Work Plan encompass the following principal elements <br />' • Conduct a water well survey to identify all groundwater production wells located <br /> within 2,000 feet of the point of release <br /> s Install a deep soil boring to be converted to a groundwater monitoring well The <br /> intent of this well is to determine the depth of the deepest detectable gasoline <br /> impacted groundwater at a point near the point of release The screened interval of <br /> the well will be placed dust beneath the deepest detectable petroleum hydrocarbons, as <br /> determined in the field during installation of the boring <br /> • Install and operate a pilot vapor extraction system Given the change in ground water <br /> level which has occurred since 1996, the pilot vapor extraction data documented in <br /> the earlier GTI report should be re-evaluated A new vapor extraction well will be <br /> constructed and used for the completion of this portion of the pilot study Insofar as <br /> all of the screens in the existing wells are submerged beneath the groundwater <br /> surface, it will be necessary to construct two new vapor extraction monitoring wells to <br /> monitor the effectiveness of vapor extraction at the site <br /> 2937 Veneman Ave,##13240 Geo-Phase Environmental Inc Phone(209)569-0293 <br /> Modesto, CA 95356 Fax(209)569-0295 <br />