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' Work Plan Page 5 <br /> Former Manna Pro Site <br />' Project No 207 3 <br /> August 16, 1999 <br />' • Construct and operate a pilot air sparge system A new well will be drilled and <br /> constructed in a boring completed to 55 feet below grade The well will be used to <br />' infect air in an attempt to mobilize deeper hydrocarbons to the groundwater surface <br /> where they may then be removed and destroyed by vapor extraction This test will be <br /> conducted in conjunction with the pilot vapor extraction work mentioned above <br />' • Install a boring into groundwater and backfill the boring with Oxygen Release <br /> Compound (ORC) The ORC will generate infuse dissolved into the groundwater at a <br /> point down gradient from the sparge/vapor extraction pilot test site Groundwater <br />' conditions will then be monitored in down gradient monitoring wells to evaluate <br /> whether the ORC will effectively prevent the lateral spread if hydrocarbons as a result <br /> of the other remedial activities <br /> • Prepare a report which will document the activities mentioned above and describe the <br /> results and their implications <br /> I • Based on the results and past work performed at the site, a Feasibility Study will be <br /> completed as part of the report which will evaluate the effectiveness of at least 3 <br /> possible remedial methods Among these methods will be the sparge/vapor extraction <br /> method, vapor extraction alone, the groundwater/vapor extraction option, and natural <br /> attenuation alone (i a no engineered remedial action) <br /> • One year of quarterly groundwater monitoring is to be conducted including monthly <br /> measurements of groundwater depth <br /> Upon approval of this work plan by the LOP agency a detailed budget will be prepared <br /> and submitted to the State USTCFP for pre-approval of the expenditures <br /> 2.0 WATER WELL SURVEY <br /> In order to help determine if human health may be at risk as a result of this release, a <br /> Isurvey will be conducted to determine if any water wells exist within a minimum of 2,000 <br /> feet of the point of release This will include both a records search and a physical search <br /> for wells <br /> 2.1 Records Search <br /> A records search will be conducted in an attempt to identify wells located within a 2000 <br /> foot radius of the point of release This will be done by requesting access to records on <br /> file with the State Water Resource Control Board The relevant USGS maps for the area <br /> will also be reviewed to determine if any wells are identified on them <br /> 2.2 Physical Search <br /> I The records search will be supplemented by a physical search of assessable areas in <br /> attempt to visually identify any well which may not be identified in the record search In <br /> 2937 Veneman Ave ,#B240 Geo-Phase Environmental Inc Phone(209)569-0293 <br /> Modesto, CA 95356 Fax (209)569-0295 <br />