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' Corrective Action Plan Page 4 <br /> Former Manna Pro Site <br />' Project No 207 3 <br /> February 16,2001 <br />' groundwater surface was as low as 40 feet bgs This rise in groundwater elevation was <br /> coeval with six continuous years of greater-than-average rainfall in the northern San <br /> Joaquin Valley The highest concentrations of gasoline are known to lie from about 35 to <br />' 45 bgs or about 10 to 25 below the surface of groundwater Based on information in the <br /> Feasibility Study and other related reports and due to the height of the water column over <br />' the contaminated interval, it was determined that remedial measures based solely on <br /> vapor extraction would not be sufficient to materially reduce the contaminant mass below <br /> groundwater in a reasonable period of time Air sparging was introduced as an method to <br /> mobilize the hydrocarbon plume located underneath the groundwater surface Air <br /> sparging is a process in which air is injected into the saturated subsurface This, in-turn, <br /> introduces oxygen, thus helping to facilitate the growth of aerobic bacteria, while also <br />' mobilizing contaminants and bringing them to the groundwater surface thus enhancing <br /> the effectiveness of vapor extraction As these mobilized hydrocarbons move through, <br /> and up the water column, adjacent vapor extraction wells may be used to extract the <br />' mobilized petroleum hydrocarbons The pilot test conducted in the summer of 2000 <br /> suggested that sparging would be effective in mobilizing hydrocarbons from the saturated <br /> zone in this manner <br />' The method of sparging air into the saturated zone with the partial purpose of mobilizing <br /> • hydrocarbons toward vapor extraction points is essentially a petroleum displacement <br />' technique One way to use the displacement technique efficiently is to establish a regular <br /> pattern or grid of vapor extracti�ells_in conjunction with a similar pattern of sparge <br /> wells We propose to employ the"5-spot" in which a "square" of four equally <br /> tspaced sparge wells drive motilized hydrolcarbons toward a vapor extraction point <br /> located near the center of the four sparge wells as illustrated below <br />' Sparge � Sparge <br /> ;;I <br />' Extraction <br />' Sparge Sparge <br /> The spacing of this grid pattern was determined based upon on the radii of influence of <br /> the sparge and vapor extraction well=rese'yTs'Pnartgheewei1'ot test of 2000, it was <br /> concluded that the radius of influenceo , and 55 A for vapor <br /> extraction wells This suggests that for the displacement mechanism to be effective, it is <br /> appropriate to use the smaller of these spacings to construct a 24-foot well spacing grid <br /> In Figure 3 the detailed site map, a 24-foot grid has been superimposed over the area most <br /> • <br />' 2937 Veneman Ave,#8240 Geo-Phase Environmental Inc Phone(209)569-0293 <br /> Modesto,CA 95356 Fax(209)569-0295 <br />