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' Report—Fist Phase Remedial System Page 2 <br /> Former Manna Pro Site <br />' Project No 1011 <br /> June 18, 2002 <br />' 1.1 Site History <br /> The former Manna Pro facility was originally constructed in 1956 as a grain mill that <br />' processed animal feed products Two 10,000 gallon underground diesel tanks and two <br /> 5,000 gallon underground gasoline tanks and a single 10,000 gallon underground gasoline <br />' tank were formerly in use at the site In January 1990, as part of an environmental site <br /> assessment, Manna Pro's consultant at that time, WHF, installed six soil borings near the <br /> tanks and soil samples were collected from the borings One soil sample, collected from <br />' 15 feet below grade, contained elevated levels of gasoline and diesel range hydrocarbons <br /> In July of 1990, Semco, a tank removal contractor, removed the tanks under contract to <br /> WHF and a total of 10 confirmation soil samples were collected beneath the tanks, one <br />' from each end of each tank Petroleum hydrocarbons were detected in soil samples from <br /> beneath 4 of the 5 tanks Based on the results of this initial soil sample analysis, several <br /> hundred yards of fuel-impacted soil were excavated The excavation reached a total <br />' depth of about 15 feet <br /> In October of 1990, ERM West conducted additional work to characterize the lateral and <br />' vertical extent of the hydrocarbon contamination in the sub-surface This included <br /> installing 25 soil borings into groundwater of which, a total of 6 borings were later <br /> • converted to groundwater monitoring wells Between 1993 and 1996, Groundwater <br /> Technology Inc (GTI) installed four additional monitoring wells, a combination <br /> groundwater/vapor extraction well and three observation wells These observation wells <br /> were used for the completion of groundwater pumping and vapor extraction pilot tests In <br /> 1996, GTI conducted a feasibility study, which included pilot level field work to test <br /> several remedial options The GTI report concluded that a combination of vapor <br />' extraction and groundwater pumping offered the most attractive option for remediation of <br /> the gasoline plume at this site <br />' Up until April of 2000, a total of eleven groundwater monitoring wells, three observation <br /> wells, and one combination groundwater and vapor extraction well were constructed on <br /> or near the Manna Pro site In April of 2000, Geo-Phase constructed a deep monitoring <br /> well to characterize the vertical extent of gasoline contamination, and also conducted a <br /> pilot field study to test and evaluate the effectiveness of a vapor extraction and air sparge <br /> system As a part of the pilot study, a new vapor extraction well (VEW-1), a new sparge <br />' well (ASW-1), and two new observation wells (OB-4 & OB-5) were constructed After <br /> evaluating the data from the pilot study, Geo-Phase Environmental completed a <br /> Feasibility Study on October 20, 2000 The study concluded that the most attractive <br /> option was to simultaneously inject air into sparge wells and to extract gasoline-laden <br /> vapors from the vadose zone using vapor extraction wells Subsequently, a Corrective <br /> Action Plan was prepared and submitted on February 16, 2001 that described the methods <br /> and protocols to be used to construct and operate the proposed remedial system The <br />' 2937 Veneman Ave, #B240 Geo-Phase Environmental Inc Phone(209)569-0293 <br /> Modesto,CA 95356 Fax(209) 569-0295 <br />