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Mr. Jeffrey Wong <br /> April 28, 2005 <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br /> ground surface elevation at the site is approximately 47 feet above sea level. <br /> The depth to groundwater beneath the site, as measured in a groundwater monitoring well just <br /> southwest of the gasoline UST, is approximately 47.3 feet below ground surface (bgs). Regional <br /> groundwater flow beneath the site is southerly. <br /> PROCEDURES <br /> Resources <br /> Jim Thorpe Oil conducted the excavation to remove impacted soil beneath the north end of the <br /> former gasoline UST on March 31, 2005. Joe Vasquez, a Ground Zero geologist, supervised <br /> excavation activities and sample collection under the direction of John Lane, CA Registered <br /> Geologist 6795. Mr. Harlin Knoll of EHD conducted a site inspection and observed sampling <br /> activities on March 31, 2005. <br /> Groundwater sampling was conducted by Anthony Scoma, an experienced Ground Zero technician <br /> on April 7, 2005. Mr. Jeffrey Wong of EHD conducted a site inspection and witnessed the <br /> groundwater sampling on April 7,2005. <br /> Argon Laboratories (DHS Certification #2359) conducted the laboratory analyses. More detail on <br /> site activities is provided below. <br /> Soil Excavation and Sampling <br /> Contaminated soil excavation and confirmation sampling occurred on March 31, 2005. Not <br /> counting clean overburden (pea gravel), approximately 30 cubic yards of soil was excavated by <br /> Thorpe. The dimensions of the excavation measured approximately 20 feet by 20 feet, and up to 18 <br /> feet deep. <br /> Evidence of contamination was noted in the northwestern portion of the excavation at depths <br /> between approximately 15.5 and 17 feet bgs. Photoionization detector(PID) readings ranged from <br /> 17-70 ppm at those locations. Excavation continued west and north, and to a depth of <br /> approximately 18 feet in the center of the excavation until PID readings decreased to less than 1.5 <br /> ppm. The excavated material was stockpiled on asphalt and covered by visqueen plastic pending <br /> characterization. Field procedures and field notes for excavation activities are included in <br /> Attachment B. <br /> Confirmation Soil Sampling <br /> Confirmation samples were collected from the excavation floor at a depth of approximately 18 feet <br /> bgs and from the south, east, west, and north sidewalls at depths of approximately 16, 15.5, 16.4, <br /> and 16.7 feet bgs, respectively. A 4-tube composite sample was collected from the stockpiled soil. <br /> Sample locations are shown on field notes (Attachment B, page B-4). The samples collected from <br /> the excavation were submitted under chain of custody to Argon Laboratories for analysis of <br /> G:\GROUNDZEUADIFire\excsum.doc <br />