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------------------ <br /> Mr. Dwight Davis-The Pegasus Group <br /> Report of Abandonments @ Village west Marina <br /> December B, 1997 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Abd. Well Total Depth Cement Volume + 35% <br /> MW-4 29.58 feet 0.87 cubic feet <br /> MW-5 28.75 feet 0.85 cubic feet <br /> MW-6 29.14 feet 0.86 cubic feet <br /> MW-7 28.17 feet 0.83 cubic feet <br /> MW-8 30.17 feet 0.89 cubic feet <br /> Basalite Concrete Mix was applied to bury the casing-tops and completely fill the well- <br /> box space flush with the surface in former monitoring wells MW-4 and MW-5. Well MW- <br /> 4 had been completed in the asphalt forward of a parking space at a location within the <br /> interior of the traffic circle. Well MW-5 had been completed in the asphalt forward of a <br /> parking space along the outside perimeter of the traffic circle nearer Fourteen-Mile <br /> Slough. <br /> Subsequent to digging out the tops of the wells after destruction of the well boxes, <br /> sufficient cement was applied to submerge and seal the casing-tops of wells MW-6, <br /> MW-7, and MW-8; these three wells had been completed in grassy locations along the <br /> levee. Two to three inches of concrete were then poured over the cement as final seal, <br /> followed by shoveling in native soil to the surface. As new grass is cultivated, no <br /> Ew_ evidence of the prior existence of these three wells will be discernible. <br /> These monitoring well abandonments have concluded the last required field activities <br /> directed by the SJCEHD in Mr. Sasson's letter dated November 12, 1997. As a <br /> courtesy, I've also mailed two copies of this report to Mr. Sasson. <br /> I've enjoyed managing this project for you since the spring of 1994. Please contact my <br /> Bakersfield office at (805) 872-1919 should any questions arise. <br /> Respectfully, �D G q <br /> %� ® 4D s L. Fps <br /> Da ne L. Fra 44/ DAYNE L.FRARY o No.02980 <br /> Registered Geologist No. 4456 ® Expires1a30-1e <br /> Registered Environmental Assessor No. 02980 U) No.4456 ,• <br /> Attachments: SJCEHD blanket permit for well destructio �4 G' O D0�� <br /> State DWR Requirements for Destroying Mo =9 ------- <br />