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r <br /> The three borings were drilled by Woodward Drilling Company of Rio Vista, California. <br /> Woodward utilized a Mobile B-57, truck-mounted drilling rig equipped with a 10-inch O.D., <br /> hollow-stemmed auger. All drilling equipment was thoroughly steam-cleaned prior to <br /> -_ drilling in order to prevent contamination from off-site sources, and also between borings <br /> to prevent cross-contamination. <br /> 3.2 Soil Sampling <br /> Undisturbed soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals to 25 feet bsg in each <br /> j boring/well during drilling operations in order to identify the soil types within the vadose <br /> (unsaturated) and water-bearing (saturated) zones. Samples from 5, 10, 15, and 20 feet bsg <br /> were submitted for analysis. Samples from 25 feet bsg were completely water-saturated and <br /> not suitable for analysis. <br /> =' Soil samples were logged by the W.W. Irwin, Inc. field geologist using the Unified Soil <br /> Classification System (USCS). The depths at which the water table was encountered were <br /> noted on all boring logs, which are included as Appendix B. The stratigraphy penetrated <br /> j: when advancing the borings consisted of primarily of black-gray, organic, clayey silts. <br /> Cuttings have been stored in 55-gallon capacity drums for later treatment and/or disposal <br /> at the discretion of Village West Marina management. <br /> "' The soil samples were collected by driving a two-inch diameter, California-modified split- <br /> spoon sampler utilizing a 140-pound hammer from a rig height of 30 inches (per ASTM <br /> Standard 1586). Blow counts required to obtain each sample were recorded on the <br /> respective boring logs. Upon opening the sampler, the ends of one of three of the brass <br /> sample tubes were immediately sealed with TeflonT"" liners, capped with polyethylene end <br /> =_ caps, and final-sealed with polyethylene tape. <br /> 3.3 Analytical Results <br /> A <br /> Each sealed tube was properly labeled and placed in a cooler chilled to 4°C for transport <br /> to Sherwood Labs Corporation in Hilmar, a California Department of Health Services (DHS) <br /> -certified laboratory. Soil sampling and handling were conducted using appropriate chain-of- <br /> custody procedures. Each sample collected to a depth of 20 feet was analyzed for the <br /> presence of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) by modified EPA Method <br /> 8015/5030,Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel(TRPH-d),and the volatile <br /> aromatics benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX) by EPA Method 8020. <br /> All soil analytical results are listed in Table 1. The laboratory reports and accompanying <br /> chain-of-custody are included as Appendix D. <br /> ;j Detectable,primarily fractional BTEX analytes were detected only in soil samples collected <br /> from MW-6. The highest TPH-g result was 39 mg/kg, revealed in the sample collected from <br /> MW-6 at 15 feet bsg. TRPH-d results were nondetectable except for 8 mg/kg of weathered <br /> W.W.Irwin,Inc. <br /> Project No.33016.03 <br /> July 1994 4 <br /> _�l <br />