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---------- <br /> ------------- <br /> diesel <br /> ____ _diesel revealed in the sample collected from MW-5 at 5 feet. <br /> 3.4 Monitoring Well Completion <br /> j Ground water was encountered during the drilling of each boring at a depth of <br /> approximately 18 feet bsg. Two-inch-diameter, Schedule 40 PVC well casing with 0.020-inch <br /> _., factory slots was placed from 30 to 10 feet in each well. A threaded end cap was installed <br /> on each bottom. Two-inch-diameter,blank, Schedule 40 PVC casing was extended from the <br /> =_- top of the screen at 10 feet bsg to a few inches below surface grade. <br /> Number 3 Monterey sand was used as filter pack and was placed to extend from the bottom <br /> _-' of the wells to approximately one foot above the screened interval in the annular space of <br /> ' each well (30-9 feet bsg). The bentonite seals at 9 to 71/2 feet bsg were hydrated with five <br /> gallons of potable water. Portland cement was pumped into the remaining annular space <br /> -a above the bentonite seals to extend from 71/2 feet to 1 foot bsg in each well. Locking caps <br /> k_? were placed on top of the well casings inside 8-inch, water-tight street boxes cemented into <br /> place at the surface. <br /> A <br /> -a 3.5 Monitoring Well Development <br /> ~= The new monitoring wells were developed on June 20, 1994 using a stainless steel bailer. <br /> Bailing removed turbid water from the wells until clear water appeared. The monitoring <br /> wells were sampled after a minimum of 50 gallons were bailed and the ground-water levels <br /> -' had recovered to at least 90% of their static levels. <br /> 4.0 PROJECT STATUS REPORT <br /> 4.1 Ground-Water Sounding <br /> Monitoring wells MW-4 through MW-6 were sounded on May 24, 1994. Utilizing a Keck® <br /> interface probe, the W.W. Irwin, Inc. staff technician intercepted the piezometric surface in <br /> each well at a depth averaging 14.82 feet bsg (see Table 2). <br /> The soundings were converted using well casing-top elevations established on June 13, 1994 <br /> by Duane Kimball, aModesto-based, California-licensed land surveyor. The elevation data <br /> were used to calculate the present ground-water flow direction and gradient by the three- <br /> point.� method. The local direction of round-water flow as of June 24, 1994 is approximately <br /> g <br /> S87E along a gradient of 0.02 foot/foot as shown on the Ground-Water Gradient Map, <br /> Figure 3. <br /> W.W.Irwin,Inc. <br /> Project No.33016.03 <br /> July 1994 5 <br />