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UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM <br />UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK <br />MONITORING PLAN (Page 2 of 2) <br />VI. UNDER DISPENSER CONTAINMENT (UDC) MONITORING <br />1. UDC MONITORING IS PERFORMED USING THE FOLLOWING METHOD <br />490.54a <br />490-546 <br />® 1. CONTINUOUS ELECTRONIC MONITORING ❑ 2. FLOAT AND CHAIN ASSEMBLY ❑ 3. ELECTRONIC STAND-ALONE <br />❑ 4. NO DISPENSERS ❑ 99. OTHER (Specify): <br />PANEL MANUFACTURER: Veeder Root 490-55 <br />MODEL #: TLS 350 <br />490-56. <br />LEAK SENSOR MANUFACTURER: Veeder Root 490-57 <br />1 MODEL #(S): 208 <br />490-58 <br />DETECTION OF A LEAK INTO THE UDC TRIGGERS AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS ® a. YES ❑ b. NO <br />490-T9— <br />UDC LEAK ALARM TRIGGERS AUTOMATIC PUMP SHUTDOWN ® a. YES ❑ b. NO <br />490-60 <br />FAILURE / DISCONNECTION OF UDC MONITORING SYSTEM TRIGGERS AUTOMATIC PUMP SHUTDOWN. ® a. YES ❑ b. NO <br />49"1 <br />UDC MONITORING STOPS THE FLOW OF PRODUCT AT THE DISPENSER. ❑ a. YES ® b. NO <br />490-62 <br />2. UDC CONSTRUCTION IS ®I. SINGLE -WALLED ❑ 2. DOUBLE -WALLED <br />490-63 <br />IF DOUBLE WALLED: <br />490.64a <br />UDC INTERSTITIAL SPACE IS MONITORED BY: ❑ I. LIQUID ❑ 2. PRESSURE ❑ 3. VACUUM <br />_ _ __ <br />A LEAK WITHIN THE SECONDARY CONTAINMENT OF T14E UDC TRIGGERS AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS ® a. YES [J b. NO <br />490-646 <br />VII. PERIODIC SYSTEM TESTING <br />❑ 1. ELD TESTING: THIS FACILITY HAS BEEN NOTIFIED BY THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD THAT ENHANCED <br />490.65. <br />LEAK DETECTION „(ELD) MUST BE PERFORMED. PERIODIC ELD IS PERFORMED EVERY 36 MONTHS AS REQUIRED. 23 CCR 2644.1 <br />® 2. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT COMPONENTS ARE TESTED EVERY 36 MONTHS. <br />490-66 <br />® 3. SPILL BUCKETS ARE TESTED ANNUALLY. <br />490-67 <br />VIII. RECORDKEEPING <br />The following monitoring/maintenance records are kept for this facility: <br />® Alarm logs 490.68a ® Visual Inspection Records 490-68b ❑ Tank integrity testing results 490-68c <br />❑ SIR testing results (and supporting documentation records). 490.68d ❑ Tank gauging results (and supporting documentation records). 490-68e <br />❑ ATG Testing results (and supporting documentation records). 490.68f ❑ Corrosion Protection 60 -day logs 490-68g <br />® Equipment maintenance and calibration records. 490-68h <br />IX. TRAINING <br />® Personnel with UST monitoring responsibilities are familiar with all of the following documents relevant to their job duties. 490-69a <br />REFERENCE DOCUMENTS MAINTAINED AT FACILITY (Check all that apply) <br />® THIS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PLAN (Required) 490-69b <br />® OPERATING MANUALS FOR ELECTRONIC MONITORING EQUIPMENT (Required) 490-69c <br />❑ CALIFORNIA UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REGULATIONS 490-69d <br />❑ CALIFORNIA UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK LAW 490-69e <br />❑ STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD (SWRCB) PUBLICATION: "HANDBOOK FOR TANK OWNERS - MANUAL AND <br />STATISTICAL INVENTORY RECONCILIATION" 490-69f <br />❑ SWRCB PUBLICATION: "UNDERSTANDING AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING SYSTEMS" 49m9g <br />❑ OTHER (Specify): M69h, M69i <br />This facility has a "Designated UST Operator" who has passed the California UST System Operator Exam administered by the International Code Council <br />(ICC). <br />The "Designated UST Operator" will train facility employees in the proper operation and maintenance of the UST systems annually, and within 30 days of hire. <br />This <br />training will include, but is not limited to, the following: <br />Operation of the UST systems in a manner consistent with the facility's best management practices <br />The facility employee's role with regard to the monitoring equipment as specified in this UST Monitoring Plan <br />The facility employee's role with regard to spills and overfills as specified in the UST Response Plan <br />➢ Names of contact person(s) for emergencies and monitoring alarms. 490-70 <br />X. COMMENTS/ADDITIONAL INFORMATION <br />Provide additional comments here or indicate how many pages with additional information on specific monitoring procedures are attached to this plan. 490-7[ <br />Overfill: tank overfill prevention flapper is set at 95% of tank capacity <br />M. PERSONNEL RESPONSIBILITIES <br />The UST Owner/Operator is responsible for ensuring that: 1) the daily/routine UST monitoring activities and maintenance of UST leak detection equipment covered by <br />this plan occurs, 2) all conditions that indicate a possible release are investigated, and 3) all monitoring records are maintained properly. <br />The following person(s) are responsible for performing the monitoring and equipment maintenance: <br />NAME Japp Inc. 490-72 TITLE Operator <br />490-73 <br />NAME Deanne Rotta 490-74 TITLE Regional Gasoline Environmental Compliance Spec <br />490-75 <br />The Designated Operator shall perforin a monthly visual inspection of the facility, provide a report to the owner/operator, and inform the owner/operator of any <br />conditions that need follow-up action. <br />MI.OWNER/OPERATOR SIGNATURE <br />z :� <br />CERTIFICATION: I certify that the information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. <br />APPLICANT SIGNATURE 490-76 <br />DATE: <br />10/20/2011 <br />=ago <br />REPRESENTING. U 1.l'ank 0,l ,/0LY , ❑ _ Fu ihth 0­ieo0 erator f l3 Authouied Repre>entau � e orOwner <br />,l <br />APPLICANT NAME (print): 490-78 <br />APPLICANT TITLE: <br />0 79 <br />,.1 <br />Stephen Boyd for 7 -Eleven <br />Regional Gasoline Env. Compliance Mgr. <br />UPCF UST -D (12/2007) 3/4 <br />