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• 31 August 2000 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 00-0725 <br /> Page 7 of 9 <br /> 43 MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION PROCEDURES <br /> Proposed monitoring well borings will be completed using hollow-stem auger drilling techniques <br /> Relatively undisturbed soil samples will be collected at five-foot intervals in each of the borings using <br /> a California modified split-spoon sampler fitted with 2-inch diameter,6-inch long brass sleeves Soil <br /> sample handling will be consistent with the procedures presented an Section 4 2 <br /> Following completion of drilling the boring, a 2-inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC 0 010-inch slotted <br /> well screen and casing will be installed A 15-foot section of well screen will be installed an each well, <br /> extending approximately 10 feet below and five feet above the top of the ground water table <br /> The well casing,filter pack and sealing materials will be placed into the borehole through the anterior <br /> of the hollow-stem augers After installing the well casing, filter pack material consisting of pre- <br /> washed#2112 Lonestar sand will be added from the bottom of the borehole to approximately two feet <br /> above the screened interval Following placement of the filter pack,the well will be surged to assist <br /> an settling the filter pack Additional sand will be added of settling occurs <br /> An approximately two foot thick bentonite seal will be placed above the filter pack to minimize the <br /> • potential of grout penetration into the screened section of the well The bentonite seal will be formed <br /> by pouring bentonite chips into the annular space between the auger and the well casing and allowing <br /> them to settle on the falter pack Bentonite chaps will be hydrated using five gallons of water The <br /> bentonite chips will be allowed to hydrate for a minimum of one-half hour prior to grouting <br /> The remaining annular space above the bentonite seal will be filled to within one foot of the ground <br /> surface with a cement grout The grout mixture will consist of type I11I portland neat cement and not <br /> more than 6 gallons of water per 94-pound sack of cement The grout wall be placed by pumping <br /> through tremmae pipe The PHS-EHD will be notified for grout inspection at least 48-hours prior to <br /> conducting grouting procedures <br /> Following completion of the monitoring wells, well elevations and locations will be surveyed by a <br /> California-licensed surveyor <br /> 44 WELL DEVELOPMENT <br /> Development will consist of a combination of bailing to remove the mayor portion of fine-grained <br /> sediment from inside the well, surging to flush out or draw an sediment from the falter pack, and <br /> additional bailing to finish the removal of sediment Development activities will be continued until <br /> field parameter (pH, electrical conductivity, and temperature) readings have stabilized <br /> Advanced GeoEnviron mental,Inc <br />