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08 September 2009 <br />AGE -NC Project No. 03-1055 <br />Page 3of19 <br />excavation at a depth of 15 feet bsg. <br />November 2000 - Five soil borings were advanced at the site for the collection of soil <br />samples and installation of five ground water monitoring wells (MW -1 through MW -5) to <br />a total depth of 15 feet bsg; procedures and results of the investigation are presented in the <br />AGE -prepared Interim Soil Excavation and Quarterly Report - Fourth Quarter 2000, dated <br />29 January 2001. A total of seven soil samples were analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbon <br />constituents. TPH-g were reported in soil samples MW2-10, MW2-15, MW3-10, and <br />MW3-15 at concentrations as high as 2,300 mg/kg. BTEX were reported in soil samples <br />MW2-10, MW2-15, and MW3-10 at concentrations as high as 6.8 mg/kg benzene in <br />MW2-15, 0.057 mg/kg toluene in MW3-10, 19 mg/kg ethylbenzene in MW2-15, and 35 <br />mg/kg benzene in MW2-15. No additional constituents of concern were reported in the soil <br />samples analyzed. <br />July 2003 - Four soil probe borings (B6 through B9) were advanced in the western boundary <br />of the property on Adams Street; procedures and results of the investigation are presented in <br />the AGE -prepared Quarterly Report - Second Quarter 2003, dated 18 August 2003. Probe <br />borings were advanced to a total depth of 17 feet bsg. Soil samples were collected <br />continuously from the borings at 4 -foot intervals, beginning at 2 feet bsg in boring B6 and <br />5 feet bsg in borings B7, B8, and B9. A grab ground water sample was collected at the water <br />table. <br />TPH-g were reported in all soil samples at concentrations ranging from 17 mg/kg in sample <br />B8-13 to 72 mg/kg in sample B7-13. BTEX compounds ethylbenzene and xylenes were <br />reported in all samples at maximum concentrations of 0.57 mg/kg (B9-10) and 0.1 mg/kg <br />(86-12), respectively_ Benzene and toluene were reported in sample B8-13 at concentrations <br />of 0.02 mg/kg and 0.01 mg/kg, respectively. <br />Benzene was reported in soil boring water samples B8 and B9 at 8.4 µg/1 and 80 µg11, <br />respectively; toluene was reported in samples B6 and B9 at 10 µg/1 and 16 µg/1, respectively; <br />ethylbenzene and xylenes were reported in all soil boring water samples at maximum <br />concentrations of 3,100 µg/1 and 1,800 µg/1 (B6), respectively. Fuel additive MTBE was <br />reported in three of the four soil boring ground water samples at concentrations of 28 µg/1 <br />(B6 and B9) and 8.7 µg11 (B8). Dissolved lead was not reported at or above laboratory <br />reporting limits in the any of the ground water samples. <br />• September 2003 - Monitoring wells MW -1, MW -3 and MW -4 were destroyed as part of <br />over -excavation activities to remove hydrocarbon -impacted soil related to an unauthorized <br />release of petroleum hydrocarbons from former USTs at the site; well destructions are <br />documented in the AGE -prepared Excavation and Sampling Report, dated 30 January 2004. <br />• October 2003 - Hydrocarbon -impacted soil north of the October 2000 excavation area was <br />removed with an excavator and 2.45 cubic -yard bucket and stockpiled on the eastern edge <br />Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. <br />