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08 September 2009 <br />AGE -NC Project No. 03-1055 <br />Page 5 of 19 <br />concentrations of 160 mg/kg, 1.2 mg/kg, and 2.48 mg/kg, respectively. Benzene and toluene <br />were reported in soil sample B 11-15 at maximum concentration of 0.039 mg/kg and <br />0.026 mg/kg, respectively. <br />• April and May 2008 - Two on-site soil borings were advanced and completed as two-inch <br />ground water monitoring wells. On-site borings, MW 12 and MW 13 were advanced to total <br />depths of 22 feet bsg and 35 feet bsg, respectively. No analytes were reported in any of the <br />soil samples analyzed from MW 13; soil samples were not collected from MW 12. <br />Two off-site soil borings were advanced and completed as two-inch ground water monitoring <br />wells. Off-site borings, MW 11 (west sidewalk of Adams Street) and MW 14 (cast sidewalk <br />of Adams Street) were advanced to total depths of 22 feet bsg and 35 feet bsg, respectively. <br />TPH-g, TPH-d, and ethylbenzene were reported in boring MW 11 at a maximum <br />concentration of 71 mg/kg (MW 11-22), 400 mg/kg (MW 1 l -22), and 1.2 mg/kg (MW 11-10), <br />respectively. No additional analytes were reported at or above the laboratory detection limits <br />in the samples analyzed. Procedures and results of the well installations are presented in the <br />AGE -prepared Additional Site Assessment Report, dated 03 July 2008. <br />Historical analytical results of soil and grab ground water samples are summarized in Tables I and 2, <br />respectively. <br />2.3. ADJACENT SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATIONS <br />A LUST investigation was performed at 103 West l I" Street (former Chevron Service Station), <br />which is located approximately 40 feet west of the former Tracy Diner property. The following <br />information was obtained from review of public records for the subject property: <br />• December 1991- Chevron completed and submitted an unauthorized release (UAR) for the <br />subject property. <br />• January 1992 - One waste oil UST was removed from the northern portion of the site; <br />significant petroleum hydrocarbon impact to soil and ground water was reported. <br />Consequently, the site was placed in the EHD local oversight program (LOP) and a directive <br />was issued for further site assessment. <br />• November 1992 - Monitoring wells MW -1 through MW -3 were installed on-site and a <br />quarterly ground water monitoring program was initiated. These wells were non -detect for <br />petroleum hydrocarbons; however, these wells were located cross gradient and up -gradient <br />of the UST area. <br />• July 1993 -Eight USTs were removed from the subject property: two 10,000 -gallon gasoline <br />USTs and one 5,000gallon gasoline UST, all located in a common excavation (common UST <br />Advanced GeoEnvironmental, Inc. <br />