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Selection <br /> • Wright feels that given the PHS-EHD concern for residual contaminants and to move the <br /> site more readily toward a closure path, Option I in our opinion is the preferred option <br /> This option physically removes contaminants that may contribute to the long-term <br /> dissolved plume presence The placement of petroleum degrading materials or bacteria in <br /> the excavated areas would enhance the plume cleanup in an enhanced natural attenuation <br /> approach following removing these residual contaminants <br /> Conclusions and Recommendations <br /> Wright has performed additional soil and groundwater sampling in the area of the former <br /> tank pit, downgradient of the pit, around MW-9 and to the west of the trailers The data <br /> indicated that he dissolved plume is essentially in the area where it has been historically <br /> observed (that is from the tank pit along a line to MW-9 and MW-2) Very low dissolved <br /> contaminant concentrations were present at PB-20 and 21 west of the trailers Deep <br /> reconnaissance groundwater samples show that the dissolved concentrations decrease with <br /> depth from about 22 to 26 feet Soil samples collected at the 24- to 26-foot depth interval <br /> showed that contaminants were not detected <br /> Pending approval of the recommended work tasks in Option I or direction to employ <br /> alternative remedies by PHS-EHD, Wright will prepare a work plan with a time schedule <br /> • and budget costs for of the anticipated task completion Quarterly monitoring is <br /> scheduled to continue for the site <br /> Limitations <br /> This report has been prepared specifically for Mr Ed's Muffler, Mr Elroy Cox estate site <br /> at 595 West Eleventh Street in Tracy, CA and was done according to the State and local <br /> agency suggested guidance documents for these investigations The interpretations, <br /> conclusions and recommendations made herein are based on professional judgment of the <br /> data and analysis for the soil and water samples collected on-site and should be reviewed <br /> in the context of this report and other site reports Wright Environmental Services, Inc is <br /> not responsible for errors in laboratory analysis and reporting, nor for information not <br /> available during the course of the study, and no warranty or guarantee is expressed or <br /> implied therein <br /> Page 11 <br />