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i <br /> This option would require permits for air and water discharge and a pilot study would be <br /> necessary to evaluate the efficiency of both air and water discharge and radius of extent <br /> While one horizontal well is envisioned, more wells could be needed to achieve the needed <br /> extent of extraction Usually there is a limit of extraction of either vapor or dissolved <br /> contaminants until an asymptotic lirrut of concentrations removed are attained, and tins <br /> system is anticipated to have to run for at least eighteen months The existing <br /> groundwater monitoring wells would be used to monitor groundwater capture extent and <br /> dissolved contaminants Confirmation soil borings and soil sampling would be needed in <br /> the vicinity of Borings PB-10, 11, 13, 15, 16 and 19 to ascertain the reduction of vadose <br /> soil contaminants <br /> Option 3 <br /> Thus option is a "passive" approach in that it uses petroleum-degrading materials (either <br /> bacteria, oxygen releasing compounds or a combination) to degrade the plume in place <br /> This would be an enhanced natural attenuation approach, and would use materials selected <br /> as most appropriate following a small bench and data study for the type and quantity of <br /> materials to be used This would be accomplished by drilling the materials into the vadose <br /> soil, capillary fringe and aquifer following an assessment of the quantity and placement <br /> grid to be used based upon the observed concentrations reported herein <br /> The compounds would be placed in a manner to dissolve and migrate in the aquifer with <br /> . the natural gradient to the affected capillary and aquifer areas (that is, former tank pit, <br /> downgradient of the pit and around MW-9) Although only one occurrence of this was <br /> noted in quarterly monitoring, early investigations placed some contaminants at the site <br /> boundary An additional grid or lune of compounds would be placed on a line from MW-1 <br /> to MW-5 near the site boundary as a protection to possible off-site mugration of <br /> contaminants As this is a passive approach, the contaminant degradation would be <br /> dependent upon the groundwater velocity to deliver degrading materials, the efficiency of <br /> degradation, and affecting all the areas of interest It is initially anticipated that this <br /> approach would last from one to two years to allow for plume degradation <br /> Additional Boring for Deep Groundwater Sample <br /> The RWQCB and PHS-EHD have indicated that a deep groundwater sample is necessary <br /> to define the lower hnut of dissolved contaminants One boring will be advanced <br /> downgradient of the former tank pit to collect this sample As the site is known to have a <br /> severe flowing problem, a method will be used to collect samples below 30- to 40 feet <br /> Since drawing contaminants vertically during drilling due to flowing may be a problem, a <br /> conductor approach win be used to collect thus sample This method may use two sets of <br /> augers, cone penetrometer or a temporary conductor casing to case out the upper <br /> contaminants (to an estimated depth of at least 30 feet A sampling device will be <br /> advanced to collect the groundwater sample This sampling would be done at PHS-EHD <br /> request with any cleanup approach option <br /> Page 10 <br />