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• Groundwater is anticipated to flood the excavations The excavations will be allowed to <br /> flood twice and be pumped out twice to remove contaminated water and allow "back <br /> flushing" of dissolved contaminants The water will be stored in surface tanks, or pumped <br /> directly to vacuum trucks depending upon the operational constraints of the site <br /> Verification soil and groundwater sampling will be collected and analyzed for TPHG, <br /> BTEX and MTBE and oxygenates Soil samples will be collected at 20-foot intervals <br /> along the capillary fringe to ascertain presence of absence of contaminants A <br /> groundwater sample will be collected from the flooding following the second dewatenng <br /> to ascertain dissolved contaminants presence Samples of the contaminated groundwater <br /> and soil will be collected allowing judgment of contaminant mass removal to be estimated <br /> Petroleum degrading bacteria or degrading compounds will be placed into the excavation <br /> prior to backfilling to assist natural degradation processes This should have an effect of <br /> continuing to degrade contanunants and natural groundwater motion should carry the <br /> degradation on toward MW-9 and further downgradient MW-9 will be replaced <br /> following excavation so the monitoring network will remain to check on the anticipated <br /> lowering of contaminant concentrations <br /> Option 2 <br /> Install a horizontal well along the trend of the dissolved plume axis from the former tank <br /> pit to the vicinity of MW-9 The well would be placed at a depth of about 16 feet, so that <br /> the well was placed within the upper portion of the aquifer A dual phase extraction <br /> approach would be used to capture both dissolved contaminants and soil vapor from the <br /> vicinity of the capillary fringe and the dewatered region The extracted vapor and water <br /> would be sent to a surface treatment system (assumed to be carbon) The treatment pad <br /> could be placed in the corner of the lot, with discharge to permitted outfalls for both air <br /> and water <br /> Horizontal well installation will be limited by the presence of the irrigation pipeline and <br /> proximity of the historically observed plume axis trend (that is along a line from the former <br /> tank pit toward monitoring wells MW-3 to MW-9 and MW-2) This placement would <br /> affect the region of maximum contaminant location Another possible limitation would be <br /> the presence of silty and clayey soils in the capillary fringe of extraction influence is <br /> anticipated to be limited to the degree of the air conductivity of that sediment These soils <br /> tend to have the higher clay/silt content, grading to sandier sediment below <br /> i� <br /> Page 9 <br />