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support an interpretation of a relatively degraded plume generally depleted in Benzene <br /> compared to TPHG <br /> The irrigation and sewer pipelines were surmised to have possibly acted as contaminant <br /> preferred pathways and some residual contaminants remain under the pipelines It is <br /> possible that during times of high groundwater contaminants right have reached these <br /> areas under the pipes due to capillary action. Coarse-grained sediment does underlie the <br /> pipelines in some areas. However these coarse-grained strata packages that appear to <br /> have held residual contaminants are interpreted as a small stream channel roughly under <br /> the pipelines and is another preferred contaminant pathway This stream channel <br /> pathway is interpreted present from lithology logged in Bonngs PB-15, PB-14, MW-3, <br /> MW-9, PB-9 and PB-7 This tends to align along the historically observed contaminant <br /> plume axis It is our opinion that the soil/sediment texture and residual contaminant <br /> source contributed TPHG and Benzene into the dissolved groundwater plume tending to <br /> keep the dissolved levels high especially at monitoring wells MW-3 and MW-9 <br /> 6 2 Estimated Contaminant Volume Removed <br /> Wright has estimated the quantity of contaminant removed contained either absorbed on <br /> soil and dissolved in groundwater The estimate uses a simple calculation that calculates <br /> gallons of TPHG and Benzene removed using the chemical sample analysis averaged for <br /> the number of sample detections (samples showing none detected were not used in the <br /> averaging). Please note these contaminant volumes are rough estimates only of the <br /> contaminant quantity removed <br /> Excavated soil used the chemical data for the soil loaded onto the trucks The average <br /> TPHG and Benzene concentrations in parts per million (as milligrams per liter, and using <br /> an average 100 pounds per cubic foot soil density and 900 yards=24300 cubic feet <br /> converted to gallons)for soil contairnnant removed used in the following equation, <br /> 0.002425(average TPHG concentration) x 24,300 ft3 x 100 IWO x 0 13368 lb/ft3/gal <br /> 788 gallons TPHG <br /> 0 0000129 (ave Benzene concentration) x 24,300 ft3 x 100 lb1ft3 x 0 13368 lb/ft3/gal <br /> 4.2 gallons Benzene <br /> The quantity of estimated groundwater TPHG and Benzene contaminant in parts per <br /> million contained in the groundwater pumped from the excavation used the following <br /> equation, <br /> 0.0000377 (average TPHG concentration) x 239,250 gallons x 0 264 liter/gallon <br /> 2.3 gallons TPHG <br /> 0 00000334(average Benzene concentration) x 239,250 gallons x 0 264 liter/gallon <br /> 0.21 gallons Benzene <br /> Page 9 of 13 <br />