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• 6.0 Discussion <br /> The excavation area was primarily located in the area of the historic groundwater plume <br /> The plume has been present with the highest dissolved concentrations routinely observed <br /> at monitoring wells MW-3 and MW-9 The excavation revealed contamjnant in the <br /> capillary fringe and aquifer strata in areas noted in previous subsurface studies Small <br /> coarse-grained strata packages (coarse sand with fine gravel and locally extensive sandy <br /> beds)interbedded in slightly finer grained strata(strata containing more dispersed silt and <br /> clay) appeared stained and are interpreted to have acted as residual sources within the <br /> vadose and aquifer strata as discussed in previous Wright reports <br /> Light sheen was observed on the water surface near the former locations of MW-3 and <br /> MW-9 under the pipelines and adjacent to these sediment packages The small coarse- <br /> grained strata packages were excavated to the maximum extent feasible in and around the <br /> pipelines to remove residual contaminant sources The light sheen diminished over a few <br /> days and excavation dewatering pumping continued on a discontinuous basis until <br /> pumping ended on April 1, 2004 <br /> The southern area of the excavation near the former tank pit appears to be another area of <br /> residual contaminant based on perimeter soil sample data The TPHG concentrations <br /> were most elevated in the area dust down gradient of the former tank pit The quantity <br /> and timing of fuel release is unknown however this area of vadoselcapillary and aquifer <br /> strata would have been initially affected. On the basis of the soil chemical data the most <br /> elevated residual contaminant concentrations occur near former tank pit (see Figures 2,3 <br /> and 4) <br /> The maximum depth of contaminant penetration on the basis of color stain into the <br /> aquifer appears to diminish between roughly the 10-foot and 15-foot depth interval This <br /> corresponds with the approximate working "aquitard contact" of underlying strata of silt, <br /> clayey sand and sandy clay While these aquitard strata are discontinuous in lateral and <br /> vertical extent, at least some vertical hydraulic conductivity decrease appears across this <br /> contact that tended to inhibit vertical movement below about 15 feet <br /> 6.1 Interpreted Contaminant Pathways and Soil Plume Location <br /> Soil isoconcentration maps show the soil plume between the pipelines and may have <br /> followed a preferential pathway between the pipelines. Residual TPHG isoconcentration <br /> maps (see Figure 3) appears to range from 100 to 1000 parts per mullion (ppm) in the <br /> vicinity of the excavated areas ,lust down gradient of the former tank pit Soil <br /> concentrations diminish to the north with localized areas of TPHG over 1000 ppm that <br /> correspond to the coarser sediment package locations <br /> Benzene soil isoconcentration map (see Figure 4) shows a similar trend with very low <br /> concentrations of Benzene primarily in the vicinity of the southern excavation near the <br /> former tank pit Most Benzene concentrations are below 0.10 ppm with one soil sample <br /> showing the highest level at 23 ppm Benzene. This chemical data is interpreted to <br /> Page 8 of 13 <br />