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SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY <br /> N ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT <br /> :.. <br /> •-;�-" 600 East Main Street, Stockton, CA 95202 <br /> c 'P Telephone(209)468-3420 Fax(209)464-0138 <br /> 4LrFOR <br /> Q��r/o9 <br /> August 11, 2009 �p <br /> To: San Joaquin County Community Development Department <br /> Attention: John Funderburg <br /> From: Rodney Estrada; (209) 468-0331 <br /> Lead Senior Registered Environmental Health Specialist <br /> RE: PA-0800105(ER), Administrative Draft EIR Forward Landfill <br /> 9999 South Austin Road, Manteca <br /> The Environmental Health Department has the following concerns on this Administrative Draft <br /> EIR that need to be addressed: <br /> 1. The EIR, page 1-1 indicates that the expansion will be 177 acres and bring the facility total <br /> to 744 acres. On page II-1 of the EIR it indicates that the expansion will be 185 acres and <br /> bring the facility total to 751 acres. Clarify. <br /> 2. The EIR, on page 11-40 discusses Significant Irreversible Environmental Changes. This <br /> section doe not discuss the impact of landfill gas. The Forward Landfill is under a Corrective <br /> Action Order from Region 5 of Regional.Water Quality Control Board due to impacts to <br /> ground water from landfill gas. <br /> 3. The EIR, through out lists the Environmental Health Department as Public Health Services <br /> Environmental Health Division. Please change all references to San Joaquin County <br /> Environmental Health Department. <br /> 4. The EIR, on page 111-12 indicates that Forward Inc. may occasionally temporarily stockpile <br /> contaminated soil that has not completed the required analytical testing documentation. <br /> This activity was discontinued due inconsistency with Title 22 California Code of Regulation <br /> (T22CCR). Remove any language that references this activity. <br /> 5. The EIR, on page III-14 indicates that when unacceptable or hazardous wastes are found in <br /> the waste, the operator tells the customer to remove it himself. If the waste a determined to <br /> be hazardous then T22CCR requires that hazardous waste be hauled by a registered <br /> hazardous waste hauler, under manifest, to an approved facility. <br /> 6. The EIR, on page III-15 states "The appropriate emergency agency would handle the <br /> containment of the spill." The containment of the spill would most likely be handled by site <br /> personnel or a private contractor. Emergency personnel will respond to an emergency, but <br /> will not do any clean up of the spill. Clarify. <br /> 7. The EIR, on page 111-19 indicates that the site uses two extraction wells to treat the <br /> contaminated ground water. The system was expanded and now uses four wells. Amend to <br /> reflect actual site conditions. <br />