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n <br /> B. The EIR, on page 111-20 indicates how the facility controls the track out of mud from the <br /> facility on to Austin Road. The EHD has received multiple complaints, in the recent past, <br /> regarding the mud that is tracked out on the road from the facility. The mitigations listed in <br /> the EIR are not adequate. Revise to include additional measures to control the track out of <br /> mud. <br /> 9. The EIR, on page 111-24 discusses the relocation of the South Fork of Little John Creek. <br /> The creek will be directly down wind of the landfill. What measures will be taken to keep <br /> litter out of the new flood-plain. <br /> 10. The EIR, on page III-24 describes a process called Solidification. The process as <br /> described in the EIR will take Alternative Daily Cover Materials (ADC) and mix them with <br /> high liquid content sludge and food waste. The ad mixture is then proposed for re-use as <br /> ADC in the landfill. <br /> • If the admixture coming out of the process contains food waste then it cannot be used <br /> as ADC. <br /> • If the admixture contains sludge then a site specific demonstration project will be <br /> required prior to approval. <br /> 11. The EIR, on page 111-25 proposes to use Treaded Auto Shredder Waste (TASW) as an <br /> ADC material that would be used in the solidification process. <br /> • This is not allowed. The TASW is basically a sponge and would release most if not all <br /> of the moisture that is absorbed when placed and compacted as cover. <br /> • TASW is allowed to be accepted at class 11 and class ill landfills under a waiver <br /> issued by Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC). The additional treatment <br /> or additive to the TASW will compromise the original waiver and may not allow it to be <br /> accepted at the Forward Inc. Landfill. <br /> 12. The EIR, on page 111-25 indicates that ADC material will be mixed with high moisture wastes <br /> and then transferred to the landfill for disposal or possible re-use when the approvals for re- <br /> use are attained by the operator. The transfer of materials from one facility to the other <br /> must be reported in tonnage and vehicle counts. <br /> 13. The EIR, on page 11-26 indicates that the tonnage will be increased by 500 tons per day so <br /> that the Resource Recovery Facility (RRF) daily tonnage will be separate from the landfills <br /> daily tonnage. Will there be any vehicle numbers associated with the RRF? <br /> 14. The EIR, on page III-26 indicates that there will be 40,000 gallons of high moisture content <br /> waste accepted at the facility each day. Will this waste be incorporated into the 500 tons <br /> per day that the EIR proposes to be associated with the RRF? It also needs to be reported <br /> and assessed as tons per day. Amend the EIR to reflect this. <br /> 15_ The EIR, on page IV-13-1 is the traffic study. The project is proposing to increase the vehicle <br /> trips from 620 vehicles per day to 960 vehicles per day. The study discusses traffic offsite. <br /> The facility shall study onsite traffic as it relates to site equipment capacity, roads size, size <br /> of working face, number of personnel, and time spent quelling at the scale. To determine <br /> safe levels of traffic that the site can handle. This would include activities at the RRF. <br /> Amend the EIR to include this information. <br /> 16. The traffic study was conducted in February 2009. This is in the winter months. The area is <br /> primarily agriculture in nature. Was there any seasonal variation considered when <br /> evaluating the vehicle traffic in the area? <br /> i <br />