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Extended Site Characterization Report: 7500 West.Eleventh Street, Tracy, CA, Page 3 <br /> the installation of groundwater-quality monitoring wells to the east of Chrisman Road <br /> and to the north of West Eleventh Street to assess the full lateral extent of the <br /> contamination could not be performed at that time. This work was identified as clearly <br /> necessary by the California-licensed Engineer in Responsible Charge of the <br /> f characterization program (The San Joaquin Company Inc. 2001f,pp 7-8, 12, 27). <br /> The initial, restricted phase of site characterization work was completed in May 2000. It <br /> included the drilling of 14 exploratory borings (Nos, PP-1 through PP-14) and 7 <br /> groundwater-quality monitoring wells (Nos. MW-1 through MW-7) at the locations <br /> shown on Figure 2. The results of that program were presented in an engineering report <br /> submitted to San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department (SJCEHD) in <br /> January 2001 (The San Joaquin Company Inc. 20011), Including the rounds conducted at <br /> the time of the initial site characterization work, five rounds of groundwater-quality <br /> monitoring were conducted at the site over the period May 2000 to December 2001. <br /> r Those were performed in May 2000, November 2000, May 2001, September 2001 and <br /> December 2001 and the results were reported to the SJCEHD (The San Joaquin Company <br /> Inc. 2001f, 2001g, 2001e, 2001c and 2002). <br /> The SJCEHD, in a letter dated July 3, 2001, requested installation of additional <br /> groundwater-quality monitoring wells to: 1) improve understanding of the down-gradient <br /> extent of the contaminant plume; 2) investigate the environmental condition of the <br /> subsurface beneath an area close to the southern boundary of the property, which appears <br /> either to have been affected by petroleum hydrocarbons migrating from an up-gradient <br /> source or emanating from a Iocal, on-site source; and 3) improve definition of the vertical <br /> extent of contamination of groundwater, particularly in the area where the principal <br /> releases of hydrocarbon fuels to the subsurface had occurred prior to the cessation of <br /> fuelling operations at the property (San Joaquin County Environmental Health <br /> kd Department 2001c). In response to the SJCEHD request, SIC prepared a work plan for an <br /> extended site characterization program and submitted it to the SJCEHD for review (The <br /> f San Joaquin Company Inc. 2001d}• The primary objective of the work plan was to extend <br /> !- the investigation of the lateral extent of plume of affected groundwater emanating from <br /> the 7500 West Eleventh Street site in areas to the east of Chrisman Road and to the north <br /> i _ of West Eleventh Street, where authorization to install exploratory borings and <br /> groundwater-quality monitoring wells had been denied by the SJCEHD and the USTCF <br /> when originally recommended by SIC in 1999. The locations of the proposed <br /> groundwater-quality monitoring wells were carefully selected, using a synthesis of the <br /> =' hydrogeological and groundwater chemistry data, so as to detect the northward advance <br /> of the plume of groundwater emanating from the 7500 West Eleventh Street site. <br /> -- In response to the submitted work plan for the extended site characterization program, the <br /> SJCEHD requested inter alia the repositioning to the south of a well that SJC proposed to <br /> locate on the east side of Chrisman Road (San Joaquin Public Health Services 2001a). <br /> SIC had selected the location of the well based on a thorough evaluation of the <br /> hydrogeology and geochemistry of the site to ensure that any components of hydrocarbon <br /> fuels that had migrated down the groundwater gradient from the source beneath the <br /> former pump islands at 7500 West Eleventh Street as far north as what, on Figure 2, is <br /> SJC <br /> :d <br />