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4Q <br /> Extended Site Characterization Report. 7500 West Eleventh Street, Tracy, CA. Page 4 <br /> ` the location of Monitoring Well MW-10 would be detected by situating a monitoring <br /> well on, or close to the principal axis of the plume of affected groundwater (The San <br /> Joaquin Company 2001 e, p. 8). Consequently SJC was very concerned that elimination of <br /> the well at the selected location would risk failure to detect the northern extension of the <br /> plume of affected groundwater in that area (The San Joaquin Company Inc, 2001 b). The <br /> issue was resolved with the assistance of the RWQCB (Hartzell 2001), who recognized <br /> the importance of a groundwater-quality monitoring well located at the position of Well <br /> ij MW-10 on Figure 2, and by the Navarras obtaining authorization from the USTCF to <br /> complete an additional well (Well MW-9 on Figure 2) at the location requested by the <br /> SJCEHD (The San.Joaquin Company Inc 2001 a). <br /> ._ The fieldwork required to implement the extended site characterization program was <br /> initiated on March 25, 2002 with the drilling of the additional exploratory borings and the <br /> installation of the additional groundwater-quality monitoring wells. It was completed on <br /> April 11, 2002 with a round of groundwater sampling and analysis that encompassed all <br /> k_ 15 groundwater-quality monitoring wells by then extant on the site. <br /> r=; In the following sections, the complete history of the site from the time that the <br /> underground storage tanks were removed through the round of groundwater sampling <br /> conducted on April 11, 2002 is summarized, together with a detailed record of the work <br /> performed to implement the extended site characterization program. Logs of all 16 <br /> exploratory borings that have been drilled on the site and of the 15 installed groundwater- <br /> quality monitoring wells are included as Appendix A. The documentation in this report <br /> also includes tables that record the -results of analyses of all of soil samples recovered <br /> from beneath the site, the depths to groundwater measured in all wells, and the results of <br /> the analyses of samples of groundwater recovered from all wells and borings on the site. <br /> In addition to providing a convenient and comprehensive database, the information <br /> f provided permits the reader to make an independent evaluation of the hydrogeological <br /> and geochemical data without the need to rely on SJC's interpretations, conclusions and <br /> =1 recommendations. <br /> i-:-1 <br /> E =:J <br /> i, <br /> l i <br /> SJC <br /> i <br />