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April'15, 1998 <br /> APR 16 1998 <br /> ��ornmunibr Development Deus. <br /> San Joaquin County Community Development Department <br /> Development Services Division <br /> 1810 East Hazelton Avenue <br /> Stockton, CA 95205 <br /> Attention: Kerry Sullivan <br /> Dear Ms. Sullivan: <br /> We are writing in regard to the application Referral No. UP98-5 for Stacey Powers, <br /> 20606 South Carrolton Road, Ripon, CA 95366. We have several concerns regarding this <br /> project. Our concerns are listed below: <br /> 1. The DUST created by a maximum of 64 horses. The dust would also be intensified <br /> when owners ride their horses and on the occasion of special events. <br /> 2. The MANURE of a maximum of 64 horses would create an odor problem and fly <br /> problem. This has already been a problem for this property and a stable of this size would <br /> magnify the problem. <br /> J. TRAFFIC would be intensified at this location. As evidenced by a horse show on April <br /> 4th 1998, where there were in excess of 40 cars, trucks, and trailers parked in various <br /> locations on this property. <br /> 4. NOISE - The level of noise with the proposed number of horses would be a nuisance. <br /> The level of noise at special events, such as on 4-4-98 where a public address system was <br /> used, would be uncontrollable. <br /> 5. PLACES TO RIDE for the maximum number of horses is a different concern. The <br /> property is approximately 15 acres adjacent to Carrolton, which is a thru road to River <br /> Road. It is used daily by a large amount of traffic (cars, trucks, trailers, and farming <br /> equipment). If horses are allowed to ride on this road there is a large probability that <br />! there could be a major traffic accident. Since this area is mostly orchards and/or vineyards <br /> I can assure your that these farmers would not allow the horses to pass thru their land. <br /> 6. HEALTH OF HORSES: We are also concerned for the health of any animals stabled <br /> at this facility because of the spraying of chemicals during regular farming operations. The <br /> farming operations in this area have been there for many years before there any horses <br /> were at this location. This property is surrounded on all four sides by almond orchards. <br /> i <br />