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Report: Groundwater-quality Monitoring—July 29,2002: 7500 West Eleventh Street, Tracy, CA. Page 11 <br /> the sample recovered from Monitoring Well MW-6 on July 29, 2002, although 74 gg/L <br /> of that analyte had been detected in the sample recovered from that well on April 29, <br /> 2002. Conversely, 220 gg/L of gasoline-range hydrocarbons were detected in the July 29, <br /> 2002 sample from that well when none had been detectable in the sample of groundwater <br /> recovered from it on April 11, 2002. <br /> The sample of groundwater recovered from Monitoring Well MW-2, located on the <br /> western periphery of the principal plume of affected groundwater, on July 29, 2002 <br /> remained free of any analytes of concern expect for a trace of MTBE at a concentration <br /> of 2.5 gg/L. Groundwater recovered on that date from Monitoring Wells MW-8 and MW- <br /> 9, which are beyond the eastern lateral extent of the primary plume of affected <br /> groundwater, remained entirely free of any detectable concentrations of any analytes of <br /> .i concern.. <br /> On the northeastern fringe of the primary plume, gasoline-range hydrocarbons were <br /> detected for the first time in the sample of groundwater recovered from Monitoring Well <br /> MW-10, although it was accompanied by a less than significant reduction in the <br /> concentration of MTBE in that sample (58 gg/L compared to the concentration of 110 <br /> gg/L measured in the sample recovered from that well on April 11, 2002). Groundwater <br /> recovered from Monitoring WeII MW-11 remained free of any detectable concentration <br /> of analytes of concern, except for a trace of MTBE at a concentration of 8.3 gg/L, which <br /> is only slightly higher than the concentration of 5.1 gg/L detected in the sample of <br /> groundwater recovered from that well on April 11, 2002. <br /> No detectable concentration of any analytes of concern were detected in samples of <br /> groundwater recovered on July 29, 2002 from any of the monitoring wells screened in the <br /> aquifers that lie beneath the first clay aquitard that is present beneath the 7500 West <br /> :i Eleventh Street property at a depth of approximately 20 ft. (See Figures 3 through 5 for <br /> hydrostratigraphy.) This was also the case when those wells were sampled on April 11, <br /> . 2002, except that, on that occasion, the sample recovered from Monitoring Well MW-3A <br /> appeared to contain a very slight trace of MTBE at a concentration of 0.6 gg/L, which, in <br /> SJC's opinion offered at that time, was likely to have been spurious (The San Joaquin <br /> k ; Company Inc. 2002a). These findings strongly support a conclusion that the vertical <br /> extent to which groundwater under the subject property has been affected by components <br /> of fuel hydrocarbons is Iimited to the shallowest of the several sandy aquifers that lie <br /> beneath it. <br /> Figures 2 through 5 provide an interpretation of the lateral and vertical extent to which <br /> the subsurface beneath the site is affected by components of fuel hydrocarbons that was <br /> developed from the results of the groundwater-quality sampling conducted on July 29, <br /> 2002. <br /> 1 <br /> SJC <br />