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t tedlar bags were sealed, labeled and immediately placed in a cooler with the lid closed. After <br /> collection of the soil vapor sample, a PID was connected to the plastic tubing open to the <br /> formation and the.reading was recorded. <br /> t. Grab groundwater samples were collected from each boring utilizing clean plastic tubing, a <br /> peristaltic pump, and a clean bailer. At each boring, an unpreserved amber 1-liter glass bottle <br /> L. was filled with groundwater that had been filtered in the field with a 750cc filter. The sample <br /> F containers were labeled and placed immediately in a cooler with ice. <br /> Lo <br /> Boring SB4 was,advanced to only 9 feet bgs due to time constraints on September 24, 1996. <br /> No soil vapor or grab groundwater samples were collected from the boring. To complete the <br /> '- soil and groundwater investigation at that location, boring SB4A was completed to 15 feet bgs <br /> on October 2, 1996, and soil vapor and grab groundwater samples were collected from this <br /> boring. <br /> Due to the presence of floating product detected in boring SB2, soil borings FPB-1 and FPB-2 <br /> were drilled to groundwater specifically to determine if floating product was present on the <br /> } groundwater at those locations. Ron Rowe of PHS/EHD had recommended determining the <br /> Iateral extent of floating product. Soil samples were collected only for description of lithology <br /> and for field screening with a PID. <br /> a Following sample collection, each boring (SB-1 through SB-7, FPB-1, and FPB-2) was <br /> grouted to the ground surface with neat cement. The small quantity of remaining drill cuttings <br /> produced were placed in the soil drums on-site pending disposal. <br /> 2.3 Laboratory Analysis <br /> One soil, soil vapor and groundwater sample from each boring were submitted using chain-of- <br /> custody record to a State-certified laboratory for analysis. <br /> Soil and grab groundwater samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline <br /> (TPHg), benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes (BTEX) by EPA methods 801518020, <br /> and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) by EPA method 8020. If MTBE was detected in any <br /> sample, confirmation by EPA method 8260 was conducted. Soil samples with the highest PID <br /> readings and evidence of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination were selected for chemical <br /> analysis. In addition, selected soil samples from significantly different lithological units <br /> wA951221P1umerpt 4 <br /> • <br /> Sh*N <br />